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Sunday, August 31, 2008
~ 8/31/2008 05:09:00 PM ~
Woke up at 2.17 today and saw my dog. I was like "wtf is this" then realized it was actually Money.. she looks so different, so skinny as if malnutritioned. But I guess most dogs are this skinny.

Tried putting in PS1 games into PSP but the fucking emulator wouldn't work so screw that. Tomorrow's S1! The day me and my friends have been waiting for —— KBOXDAY. And we might also be catching a movie tomorrow, but YahTing's mom doesn't allow her to.. so it might be only me and Jacq. Tomorrow's also the first day of the September holidays, hope everyone enjoys themselves. I think after this holiday we're gonna start slaving.. fuck EOY exams. Teachers say we're supposed to use this week for studying.. but I'm not gonna do that(duh) :D I couldn't give a fuck I'm gonna play.

Nicholas and the others are going to ice skate tomorrow too, so we might bump into them since we're going to the same place, I would join them too.. but KBox was more of my type, besides I've been looking forward to this. Not sure what to wear tomorrow.. prolly long sleeves and jeans. I'll upload pictures tomorrow if we do take any and post about what we did :D. Byeee

Saturday, August 30, 2008
~ 8/30/2008 04:17:00 PM ~
Today was an odd day, woke up at 10.45 feeling really gay. Washed up and took a shower and then turned on the computer, added Cbox to the blog now so you guys can tag but no spamming please.

Played a few games with Nicholas, who apparently wasn't in a very good mood so I left him alone. He left afterwards and coincidentally the guy who's s'posed to cut my dog's hair came. He said he had to shave most of her hair because they were entangled, I asked if there was anyother way but guess not.. Not in a very good mood either seeing how my dog now has no fur.

Heard that Jeremy's going out with Nicholas and the others on Monday to Ice Skate, the same day I'm going for Kbox, it's weird how they always do things without me and seem to enjoy it a lot and that he goes when I'm not there. Hope they have fun. Hope I have fun, too.

Some pictures of Money(My dog) now.






Friday, August 29, 2008
~ 8/29/2008 09:50:00 PM ~
Was a fun day today, woke up at about 6.50, as usual I washed up and took a shower and went to school on my dad's car, hell yeah my dad's car, no more walking and squeezing. Reached school about 7.10. Not long after sitting down MrTeo got us to stand again, sing the anthem and then did the ACES dance(didn't really do but yeah), MsToh ran immediately obviously trying to escape the humiliation -.-

Then it was the concert, went up to the hall and the torturing began, sat there for quite long.. leg numbed and aching, and what's more was that the concert sucked. Best part was the part where they gave out the prizes to the most ____ teacher.

Mr Lenient: MrEng(?)
Ms Lenient: MissZhang

Mr Fashionable: Mr Bambang
Ms Fashionable: MsPoon

Mr Strict: MrTeo(Duh)
Ms Strict: MrsVivianLoh

Mr Funny: MrChua
Ms Funny: MsYanti(LOL)

And wth, MrChia was awarded Best Dressed Male teacher of the day, sounds more like an insult to me but yeah he's pretty well-dressed compared to how he usually dresses ==; They also forgot to give out two titles.. Mr/Ms Perfectionist and Mr/Ms Friendly, got me kind of disappointed but whatever.

Released FINALLY, time for recess, but then found out we don't have our wallets so we went back to class to get them but didn't feel like going anywhere afterwards. Went to meet someone and used the toilet. Slacked at the back of the class, rocking chairs and listening to the MP3.

Recess over.. everyone's back, MsToh's late —— again. Classroom cleaning was a waste of time, was at the back relaxing w/Marcus, talking cock and he was folding paper-airplanes and throwing them around.

Went back to my primary school, St.Anthony's. Initially reluctant to go but didn't regret going after cause I really seen how much my friends changed and the teachers was glad to see us, like how we're also glad to see them. Both my form teachers are now married, one's registered(About to be married), they still look very young though(make-up's really obvious). MsKoh still remembers me. They said I slimmed down(true) and look more mature(??). Went to study corner afterwards and slacked for a few hours, hungry so went to buy food, still hungry =.=

We had to leave at 3.30, the guard came to make us leave, said goodbye and left, went to CDans poolside to eat, had chicken-cutlet w/rice. Noticed that their knife was no better than their spoon I had a hard time eating. Went inside CDans to talk cock& play PSP. Took taxi home afterwards.

Oh yeah, Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers that teach me and even those that don't.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
~ 8/24/2008 11:03:00 PM ~
Test Test

about me

; Hillgrove Secondary
; 4A1
; 16 this year
; Gemini
; 16June93
; Single, but not available
; Very bhb

leave a note


; Gabriel
; Jacqueline
; Dayna
; Nick
; MsChong


; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009


; j-wen
; deviantart
; brushes
; blogskins
; blogger