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Friday, October 31, 2008
~ 10/31/2008 10:40:00 PM ~
Last day of help program then comes the two months of holidays, also 2 months away from New Year. Walked to school with Dayna today, met her coincidentally at the station today; talked all the way to school then assembled in the basketball court. All the class left first, except us 'cause MsToh's waiting upstairs when she's supposed to come down to bring us. StupidSlacker =.-

English period, went on a bus-ride in .. school, our driver's a fat one :D Yeh it's her. A pretty reckless one to be precise, she killed 2 other buses. All the other NA classes were doing it as well, so much for being Sec4 and more maturity o_o; Didn't come yesterday, so there's homework to do.. not like I'll do it.. any the holiday assignments are piling up.

Chinese lesson, MsPeh went through some disgusting topics, discussing whether we allow and approve of organ transactions or donations and our points of view, when she went into further details I could kind of.. feel the pain of being cut up .__. and Jeremy had to add on with more disgusting stuffs.. she gave us holiday work too.. I don't think I'm gonna do it.. but ..

Went for recess, hah. Didn't eat anything, just went back to class with Nick&Kid.
MrPan came in for Physics afterwards, first word he heard was Gab's trademark, PCC& got sent out of class.. didn't pay attention to his lesson, I was copying SS @_@

Went for Geography class, the last lesson of the day.. MrChua took over 'cause MsSiew wasn't there, A2&A3 was there too. Went back to class to get our report books.

English Language - Grade 2
Chinese - Grade 5
Mathematics - Grade U
Sciences(Combined Chem&Phy) - Grade 3
Combined Humans(SS&Geo) - Grade 4
Principle of Accounts - Grade U

L1B2(Language&BestTwo): 9
Promoted to Sec4NA.
Level Position: 38/115
I think I did really badly.. for this year, I deproved in all aspects, except for English.. I deproved in Chinese, Maths, Science, Humanities and POA, which is like.. everything. Not really happy with the results also la, two fails.. class rank fall way behind compared to my friends, so yeah.. shows how much I suck, comments aren't as well either, though it's a little above average. Guess I'm gonna have to work damn hard, I don't waaaaaant T_____T &I thought I passed POA D: Stupid Nick showing off his "2 marks higher than your POA :DDDDD".

This is my term 1's progress report.

English Language - Grade 5
Chinese - Grade U
Mathetmatics - Grade U
Science - Grade 3
Humanities - Grade 4
Principles of Account - Grade 5

&then Term 3's progress report

English Language - Grade 4
Chinese - Grade 5
Mathetmatics - Grade 5
Science - Grade 5
Humanities - Grade 4
Principles of Accounts - Grade U
So I did mediocre for the first term, improved slightly in the third, then deproved slightly for the last term as well. Ahhhhhh so sucky, -bang wall- Kid's like doing so well ahead .___. and Jeremy.. and just looking at Marcuses' Maths is depressing, and that fucking Nick keep showing me his comments =_= this sucks so baddddddddd. Even 马鹿's doing better than me. Bah. I'll get over it =.-

Went home with Jacqueline, Nick&Dayna, had SubWay for lunch, we had fun there, Ducky almost overturned her tray o_o; 'cause Dayna poked her, lol. Everyone was like staring at us.. and me because I was eating a foot-long, WHICH IS NORMAL?

Tired nao.. sleep.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
~ 10/30/2008 09:18:00 PM ~
Didn't go school today :D Planned it with Nick&Kid, didn't wanna do MsPoon's homework so we skipped it. Woke up around 2 PM, Money hurt her foot yesterday thanks to my dad, he pushed the sofa and it crushed her foot, so she's been limping, didn't notice until when she ran to the door when my parents came back. Brought her to the vet, she was given medicine in some weird color. Came back at 3.25, when I'm supposed to go out at 3.30! =_=

Supposed to meet YahTing&Jacq at WM like 3.30.. then became 4. 'cause my slipper decided to come off, so I walked back home and changed, initially didn't wanna go anymore, but did anyway -.- after much persuasion from my mom and YahTing. Reached at like 4.10 I think, missed first 3 minutes of the show .__.

The movie's nice, at least better than the previous few I watched.. their choreography's so cool D: And really high too o.o, and no, we didn't get to buy popcorn =_= so don't ask. Rate the movie like.. 7.5/10? Which is okay, I expected so much more..

Train-ed to Lot1 with Dayna&Jacq, had LJS, made Dayna say how who she liked LOL& she was blaming Jacq for telling(which she did not), then was like embarassed :D went home afterwards.

Nothing else to post, tired .__. sleep. School tomorrow, thinking of excuses to write in my letter :D

Monday, October 27, 2008
~ 10/27/2008 10:46:00 PM ~
Nick& the others came back today, joy :D Finally no more boredom and alone-ness, someone to annoy and talk to is BACK!

Woke up at 10 today, amazingly, despite the fact I slept at like.. 5 AM yesterday, or today. So continued the boredom, carried on with anime and manga.. nothing much to do, until.. I saw Gabriel on! Was like "OMG they're back
they're backthey're backthey're backthey're backthey're back" :D

But Nick still isn't on, probably tired, but only to find out his internet's being a pussy at this moment D: Chat with Gabriel, asked him about the trip, apparently they went to the OceanPark yesterday, seems like a lot of fun :D And yes I'm envious, I wanna go too. .__. Gab, as always, was bullied by Nick -.- and now he's not feeling very well. Probably'll get over it, heard Nick caused a misunderstanding with Shermaine again, what's their problem :/

Anyways, there's school tomorrow. Kind of happy to be able to this damned house O_o but I'm like lazy to walk to school .___. I want my dad to drive me there D: Yeah I sound like a spoilt kid, WHICH I AM :D NOT.


~ 10/27/2008 12:46:00 AM ~
Haven't blogged for two days.. okay fine, three counting today, since it's 12.47. It's the weekends, there's nothing to post about. Been so bored at home, what's worse's that Nick's not in town and there's no one to play with. Boo, when Dayna&Nick comes back, we're going out for HSM3. LOL YES :D Finally get to go out again.

Help programme tomorrow, finally get to leave my house again. This weekend was exceptionally stagnant compared to the others, I guess it's 'cause Nick's not here and there's no one to DotA with or talk to. Went to search for stuffs on the net.. and then PSPing like all-day-long. Then read manga and caught up with anime .__. downloading songs, so many more on. But still bored, 'cause I finished them in like an hour. And now I'm sitting here, just.. doing nothing.

Oh, oh, Money's fur is back again, yeah, she doesn't look -cough- ugly anymore o: A lot better compared to when she first got her fur shaved off. I'm too lazy to post a picture, so yeah :D

Received an email from an old friend, I'm ignoring it. And the contents are reaaaaaaally disgusting, not gonna budge at all. And yes, I do not care, DEEP DEEP down my heart I don't care, so don't say stuff like "I know deep deep down your heart you care, and you're a person who values friendship more than anything else(or something like that IIRC)".

And seems like I won't be going out as much anymore, after the HSM screening D: 'cause my mom's restricting me because "School's over and I will not be having any income blarhblarh". Suuuure =_=

Thursday, October 23, 2008
~ 10/23/2008 02:11:00 PM ~
Din't go school today.. couldn't wake up. I woke up around 9 I guess, continued sleeping.. having lunch now, supposed to pass Jeremy the form today but.. D: I didn't go. PS. Also missed the show.. "Freedom Riders", tsk. And I said I would go. Rotting at home now, so bored D:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
~ 10/22/2008 10:57:00 PM ~
Woke up at like.. 6.05 today, seems like my waking-time's much more standardised now, and I can get up without my mom's aid now :D laid down with doggy for awhile, hugged her. Her fur feels so soft in the morning.

Reached Nick's house at 6.50++, almost fell asleep.. he was taking he time, left for school at 7.10, reached in time. Was like so tired.. only slept for three hours yesterday, couldn't sleep. Was thinking about things. Physics lesson, MrChia was late for 30 minutes? He came in and was like "Want me to teach today?" our answer was obvious, and he went "okay then I won't teach today". What the fuck, slacker D: Let us watch some weird.. butt-video thing.. something to do with "Significant suction" thing..

CME. MsToh returned our reflections to us.. she commented on mine.. with a sticker, which almost everyone else has. Except Nick&Kid, who weren't bothered to do the reflection. Man of few words? Or introvert.

Math.. MrsToh didn't come for some reason, obviously I don't know.. relief teacher came to .. relieve the period, we had fun.. chatting behind, Gabriel was getting bullied.. English lesson afterwards, MsToh again.. well I really. really. thoroughly enjoyed this lesson(no sarcasm). The video she showed us today: "Freedom Riders" was great, I think the teacher in it, Aaron Gruwells is a really passionate teacher, and her being able to persuade and make the students do work, is a really great achievement. Continuing it tomorrow.. which is partially the reason why I'm gonna be there in school tomorrow.

Recess, today was .. torture. They were playing the guitars.. and there was vocalists, of course. The vocalist.. all of us were.. enchanted&captivated by his super aw(ful)esome singing. It was like disgusting.. a lady-like guy with a lady-like voice singing a really deep-toned song.. was totally wrong. Stole food from Dayna :X

Second reason why I'm going's 'cause Nick's flyin' off tomorrow. Though I'll be unable to see him, I'd also like to be there anyway.. Hope he'll have a safe journey to HongKong, bon voyage and hope he has fun there. Also hoping that he'll be able to become a better person when he come back, and learn more stuff. &have some alone time with her. Take care :DDD

Geography class.. Nick PS me.. and I was left behind D: He went all the way in front to sit, leaving me behind T__T then MsSiew got pissed off at me.. for being "rude".. which I wasn't .__. But nevermind, went to Nick's house, without him. He's going to Shermaine's for awhile, while I wait for him at his house.

Third reason's 'cause.. I'm assuming responsibility for those who do not have the help programme form.. and time-table.. so I'm bringing Nick's file(which did I mention, was fucking heavy) to school tomorrow and give it to them. yeah for slackers like Jeremy. That's 'bout all. Kid's not going D: I'm gonna be so alone.. tomorrow. Dead bored, oh yeah, hope Gab has fun in the HongKong trip too, same for Dayna :D and everyone who's going. 'cept people I hate and I want to die, have fun.

Waited for Nick like.. an hour plus? I looked at Edison nude photos, lol. Figured he's a disgusting guy... I was like almost puking, by the way the photos are Nick's D: I didn't go find it. He finally came back from Shermaine's, she was taking her time ironing her clothes, which took like 20 minutes? I think she was COOKING her clothes. He came back under the rain, slept on his brother's bed for like 30 minutes.. he changed into clothing, which was totally not what he said he would be in. But because his uniform's wet, I'm gonna have to be the only one in uniform, all the way to VivoCity. Stuff this .____.

Left his house at 3+, movie's at 4.50. Didn't make it, apparently. Train took too long, and we were figuring out which lane was to HarbourFront, there wasn't any. We had to go to DhobyGaut, which also couldn't be found on the lanes, we had to change lines, but we didn't know, so we missed 2 trains due to our indecisiveness, then finally took it, which was the wrong one, came back and switched line, wasted like 30 minutes.. decided to go to DhobyGaut's "The Cathay" to watch our movie instead, was shocked. "Nick, I thought you wanted to alter your belt, that's why we're heading to Vivo?" "SHIT! I FORGOT, waaaaaaah PCC la, fuck man forgot."

So we went down all the way there for shiz. Asked our "especially reliable" friend, MarcusHengShiHao for the timeslot for the "Butterfly Lovers" there, so we can see if we can make it. Nick specially stressed the word, The Cathay, but seems like Marcus doesn't know the difference, he just checked Cathay, we believed him. Well Nick did. I would've called Jeremy D: Much more reliable than him. Went off to "The Cathay" then, "What show?" "Uhhh.. the "Butterfly Lovers", the person stared at us.. "Uh we don't have that show here" We were like WTF O_o Are you sure?! LOL. Bloody wasted our time, watched MaxPayne instead, 6.30 show. Was 5.30, went next door to PlazaSingapura, immediately searched for LJS :X Found it, the smell was so strong :D Even though it was covered by BK and Yoshinoya, but still strong. Ironically there wasn't much people as I thought there would be, had Combo1 with Rice, again. Was nice *-*

Went around the mall, looked at clothings I REALLY REALLY wanted to buy.. and searched for the brand "Tooty", Nick wanted to buy Shermaine a bag she wanted. 88$.. so expensive. Went back to the cinema, the theatre was huge.. we even had someone escourt us to our seat, had Popcorn, wedges, some weird drink Nick ordered, nachos. Quite a spread, I paid for like everything, Nick's father didn't give him money, or the full amount D: Said he would spend everything immedaitely. So yeah, I paid everything. x.x

The seats were comfortable, :D lush and nice. The sound effect is like.. overpowering -___- too loud, we're not deaf for fuck's sake. Max Payne.. it's a pretty stupid show, I don't get the parts.. it's really lame.. I mean, I get it. But I don't know why they're doing it? Really retarded, and the main villian just.. DIES. -_____-; Only to find another villian, the real one. Emerging out. Then at the end of the credits, another villian comes out. Prolly can expect a second season for Max Payne.

By the way, I would rate it 6.5/10, it's okay.. really boring. I really wanted to sleep throughout.. went home afterwards, train-ed home. Saw my auntie :D Last saw her.. ChineseNewYear, she said I'm skinnier, and taller. I guess, now at home.. laming with Kid, or rather he's laming. damn tired, I go sleep le la. byeeeeee.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
~ 10/21/2008 12:14:00 AM ~
Sudden craving for LJS.. combo1.. T____T I really wanted to eat like 2 today.. w/ rice.. then maybe the treasure bowl. D: Fuck man.. damn hungry now .____. All Dayna's fault again, call me to zoom in the picture T_T And curious me zoomed in the LJS picture..

No school today as well, posting just 16 minutes after midnight :D Not gonna sleep yet.. continue to DotA with Nick.. then maybe watch Korean drama.. then sleep, wake up. Go out and eat my fill :D Or ask someone to go out with me. Maybe Jacq again :D Or Dayna.

One more week to HSM3 screening, lookin' forward. It's with ZBF too.. and I don't know one of them.. so it's gonna be awkward, but nevermind. Not like I'll talk to her D: Gonna plan the chalet with Nick soon. :D Gonna enjoy this holiday.. like mad.. then .. "enjoy" my mugging next year, if I mug.

Monday, October 20, 2008
~ 10/20/2008 08:48:00 PM ~

Met them at 1 AM!

Okay maybe not 1 AM.. supposingly 1, but ended up 2 .__. 'cause I woke up late. Jacqueline got semi-pissed-off at me D: But nothing happened so lucky me. Continued the train with both of them to Boon Lay, Jurong Point.

Went into the mall and booked the tickets.. then had LJS. Woots, been craving for it for like.. a week now. It was the only thing I was looking forward to, Combo1w/ riceeeeee. Lol. Yeah that's what I had for lunch, the serving portion is really small compared to last time.. .__. didn't have ClamChowder, or the dessert pie. I really wanted them D: But I guess the rice filled me up. Still had 20 minutes 'til the movie, so we took our time to sit, play PSP, talk and then walk up slowly :D

Bought a 7 dollar MashedPotato combo, fucking not worth it. Tastes like shit, didn't touch it at all. 'cept the cheesedog.__. and the movie sucked, wasted like.. 16+ today at the cinema.. we watched "20th Century Boys", probably the worse movie I've watched in my life? It doesn't have much.. except loads and loads of bullshit. Additionally, none of the actors and actresses were handsome or pretty, in fact. They were like ugly? And some below average. It wasn't really horror, or gore but there were blood scenes. It's not really comedy either, but there's some lame attempts. More like.. sci-fi if you ask me. A very very boring sci-fi where you don't understand anything. To add on, a few bastards behind our row was making noises, really noisy.. almost shouted at them.

Wished Dayna was there, she would've screamed at them. _|_! They were like "What's that, what's that" As if their friend will know, also not like she watched before, fucking retards. Stare at them and "tsk' them still so noisy. Inconsiderate D: Back on topic.. the movie sucks.. it has a second ending, but fuck it I'm not watching and wasting money. I'll rate it 0.5 over 10, not worth the admission price .. at all. Regret. &I should've bought the pop-corn combo instead T___T

Went for Japanese cuisine afterwards, had Ramen :D Tonkutu soup-base ramen w/salmon. A whole chunk of it, it's pretty nice, and the price isn't exorbitant so.. it's like 13.90 if I'm not wrong. I think it's pretty nice :D YahTing has CrabMeat FriedRice, Jacq had the same as me. Settled the bills, went to buy sushi and eat :D Well only I did.. Jacq went to DelifranceBistro to buy dinner for her mom, ChickenMayoCrossaint, yeah. Then train-ed home.. :D That's all.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
~ 10/19/2008 11:23:00 PM ~
Supposed to wake up & go out with Jacq&Dayna .___. But I ended up sleeping at 6.50 AM yesterday.. or today morning. Sun was shining on my ass and I was just about to sleep. Got up at 1.30, didn't wanna go anymore, messaged her, though it was a message that was late for an hour and a half.

Washed up and played with doggy :D Ate breakfast.. then downloaded Garena and played DotA, did nothing much today. NOW TRYING TO SOLVE THE DAMN QUIZ D: I'm stuckkkkkkkkkkkk. Oh yeah, this is the quiz

Talked with my father for about half an hour.. talked about life, and he was giving advices, though he has speaking difficulties, I could understand what he was talking about.. he was talking about my personality, and stuff. Said I looked like him, but thinks like my mother, and vice versa for my brother. Talked about responsibilty.. like the dog D: Said I've been neglecting it recently. WHICH I HAVE NOT! D:

Quizzing now.. I missed a question! Too smart le got the answer without even seeing the question D: Now I've to re-do it. -losing his sanity-

Friday, October 17, 2008
~ 10/17/2008 11:05:00 PM ~
Didn't go school today. Supposingly planned this truancy with Nick.. so we both slept really late yesterday night, but he backed out at the very last minute because "Shermaine ask me to go school tomorrow". So he's going to school, being him, sleeping at 1 AM is nothing much, he'd be able to wake up 6 the next day, but I can't D: And it was 1 AM, and I already told my mom I'm not going.. so she didn't wake me up, neither could I wake myself up.

But one person, or dog could, Money! She woke me up at 7.50, whining at me, apparently asking why I'm still at home(or somethin' like that). Turned on the computer.. watched TV with the air-conditioner blowing at me :D Been long since I last did that, felt awesome. Went on MSN.. received a message from Jeremy, "bad boy pon school". He didn't go either, look who's talking D: We DotA'd like 5 matches.. won all of them :D well lost one. Okay we won 4, there was minor lag.. not as laggy as I would be if I played in Nick's room. Play with doggy for awhile, since I've been neglecting her since the examination period started.

Took a nap on the mattress, oh and I was also writing lyrics.. I have a foolscap of it :D It's not very nice, it's not really an original composition, more like edition of a song. I have a first verse and an edition of it's chorus. Haven't ate anything since, so drank a carton of ChocolateMilk :D

Continued napping, then DotA'd with Jeremy for awhile more, until Nick came on. DotA'd with him instead, but kept DC'ing. Dad came back not long after.. he didn't buy food. What the fuck. :/ So I went to cook noodles.. then starved myself for the next 3 hours, playing more games .___. Got really bored after awhile, napped.. again!

Gwen came on, spoke to her for awhile.. Mom came home.. ate BeefHorFun again :D Lol -addicted- Chatting with Jacq now.. I feel like a loser D: Failing Math so badly, when all my other friends are like 80-110ish. I'm like 43. Pathetic if you ask me.

And not only that.. I can't really do much mental calculation. I was never good at figures and stuff.. I think next year's gonna be extremely tough. And I doubt I can take on O'Levels.. so.. yeah I might just pass on depending on the situation.. I really don't want time to go so fast, not yet. I hardly think I'm even Sec3, I just got used to it. And before I knew it I'm gonna be a year older. Time, slow down please? And yeah, I do envy people who pass Math with like 90ish.. if I even passed, like 65 or 70, it's a fucking great achievement for me. I'd be so glad I'd be like —— speechless. And then I'll start thanking my parents for giving birth to me? But guess life's not a bed of roses, and even if it is. Beneath the roses are thorns, and one day the roses will wither. If it was possible.. I really hoped I could choose Literature, and drop Math, or just take advanced English. Life would be so much easier that way.

I don't think I can cope for next year, I'm hardly doing well for this year, I just got attuned to the pace now. And it's getting faster. I'm prolly gonna breakdown soon. .___. So yeah, I want encouragement from my friends and support. Hopefully all these are sufficient for me to suffice.

'll go sleep now, night .__.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
~ 10/16/2008 09:41:00 PM ~
Woke up at 6.05, left house without my brother. At about 6.25? Reached Nick's house really early today, had time to sleep for awhile until he came down from upstairs.

School'ed as usual.. went up to get my papers back for more checking, got my SS paper back. Scored 30/50 at first, then there was some miscalculation in the markings, thought I got 40 D: But who knew it was only 33. Problem was that I continued a question on another page, 'cause I had more things to add so they marks L3/7 for the first part, and L4/10 for the other continuation, adding up to 17, but the total marks I can get from the question was only 12. So the total marks for the question was 10.. which was an increase in three marks for my SS. 33/50. Pass!

Created my own lyrics for a song :D -proud- Made Jacq sing it, it was nice :D YiShan says so too. Had recess.. ate noodles. Then went to the benches to sit.. regret sitting between Marcus and Jeremy D: He was like squeezing me and the holes in the benches was like grinding against my skin .. super pain, but nonetheless fun. Jumped on Nick's back lol :D Felt like a kid.

Came back to class, got back MotherTongue paper.. heard I did the worse in Paper 1(essay).. was shocking to hear that :/ Well I neglected section B of it so.. yeah. D: Got back paper 2, 33.5/60. Not a very idealistic score but.. I passed. So I guess I should be happy?

Oh oh! And I got back my POA paper, LOL :D 52/100. I passed, I was like "Holy Fuck LOLDSAKD***I#@!DSAJDIAJOSD" and then she gave us prizes.. for tremendous improvement and thanks for the POA rep(me). But I felt really awkward taking it.. all I did was what I supposed to do, I didn't work extremely hard so.. it was awkward. -cricket sounds-

Went home.. played DotA with Nick, Marcus and Gabriel.. Gabriel so "凶", made me so scared T_T Don't want play anymore.. now updating blog.. then prolly sleep.

In any case..

English Language - Pass
Mathematics - Fail
Combined Sciences - Pass
Mother Tongue(Chinese) - Pass
Combined Humanities - Pass
Principle of Accounts - Pass


Wednesday, October 15, 2008
~ 10/15/2008 02:50:00 PM ~
Woke up at 6.15, wasn't counted as late or early, I really really(reallyreallyreally) did not wanna go.. but today's the checking of most papers, so I got up and left anyways.

Reached Nick's house at 7 I think, had diarrhoea .. camped in the toilet for quite a long time D: So awkward, then when I was done it was 7.23.. yeah we were late.. again. Ran 5 rounds with Nick.. well I only ran 3 and walk-jogged 2. I think the running is really redundant.. it doesn't help as punishment. No one cares, they just run and the next day they're late again. It just makes us totally tired and sweaty and you can't concentrate afterwards, worse off having an exam.

Went back to class, was Physics period, Justin came over to chat. He seemed to have some problem with friends so.. he was consulting me, but he wouldn't tell me what happened D: He just kept asking "howhow?"

Got back Physics paper.. yeah. I passed :D Not a very ideal score but at least passable, now I just need Chemistry, but MrChia shown us the total overall score for CombinedSciences.

Combined Sciences

Well.. I expected at least a 65% and above.. not really 63. Wasn't quite happy with the results, Nick was 60 if I'm not wrong. Guess I'll have to work harder next year.. English period was next, MsToh returned us Paper2. Wasn't expecting anything high, since I've been doing only average for the past few mock exams, and even failed one. BUT GUESS WHAT. I passed! With 59 marks over 80. Highest in class, or so they say. That doesn't really matter. I'm just happy with 59 marks, I really wanted 60 though. 'Cause then I would've an A1 for language, which would be great, but couldn't manage to find a mistake in any of the papers.. well it's English, not as easy as Math or Science to spot mistakes.

Hopefully I'll score an A1 for overall, including oral and Paper1(essay) scores, I've a premonition that I wrote out-of-point for Paper1.. but anyways. So I've 2 subjects pass, one more to promote. Unless MrsYeow decides to use the L1 with Maths thing.. then I'm doomed :D..

The next paper returned to us was our MathPaper 1&2, didn't score.. well.. at all. Not even a single pass in any of the papers.. 26 for paper 1.. over 60, and 17 for paper 2.. over 60 too. Sums up to 43 over a hundred and twenty. Which is like.. one third of the whole paper? Sucks. Total overall was also shown for Mathematics, I scored a 36%.. for both papers. It'll probably pull me down a lot. But still.. hoping I'll pass for Math overall.

Geography.. went down for our Geography lesson. Took back our papers.. I did the same as Nick, as usual. 13 for both sections, 26 in total over 50. Just passed by a mark. There goes CombinedHumanities, but I'm lookin' forward to SS :D

So currently..

English Language(Main) - Passed
Combined Sciences - Passed
Geography - Passed
Mathematics - Failed


So technically, if all goes well. I should be able to be promoted to Sec4NA. But I'm probably gonna struggle for Math the following year, *mendokusei. I'll be having to work doubly hard to catch up to the rest. MrsToh was pretty disappointed in me. She shook her head while giving me the paper. Sigh.

*Troublesome in Japanese.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
~ 10/14/2008 10:13:00 PM ~
Did. Nothing. Today.

Anyways, read HuiLi's recent post.. I think she's starting to think wrongly and imagine again. Let's hope for the best D: Me and Jacq was gossiping about someone LOL, then we wanted to go LJS to eat.. but raining here, loud thunderstorms D: Money was scared so she ran to me :D I cuddled her to sleep. Then stupid Jacq, know I haven't had dinner she showed me bento pictures and sushi and onigiri T______T evil..

Okayyyyy bye, redundant post :D

Monday, October 13, 2008
~ 10/13/2008 11:59:00 PM ~
Today's the day! The day where EOY ends! The day we're going out to play :D

Woke up at 6.05.. mom lied to me that it was 6.45 D: I jumped out of bed. Got ready at 6.15.. came out and was like "WTF 6.15, I thought it was .45!" Picked up my clothing for the party later on and went off.

Reached school, went up for the next paper, Physics! Also the last paper, finished it in like 45 minutes.. it's actually quite simple, at least lesser than what I expected.. but prolly gonna just manage with a pass or something. Anyways, was super happy when I finished the paper, that means it's time to play :D EOY's over. School's out.

Went off really quickly to Nick's, ate at Maccas with him then went up to change. Chat with his mother for a loooooooooong time while he was styling his hair and bathing. And no, I did not fabricate any stories D: Went off.. his mom sprayed musky perfume at me, smelt good initially but.. the perfume turned out to smell bad when you sweat.

Met YahTing, Jacq at B.Batok's train platform at 11. Just in time :D Waited for Brandon. Trained to Marina afterwards. Went to HMV(?), Brandon wanted to buy disks but there wasn't the one he wanted. He wanted BoA's '08 concert. Anyways.. went to KBOX later.. but was like at 2 PM, and it's only 12.15 now.. .______. Went to Arcade and watched them waste money fishing out toys.. D:

Anyways.. went to LongJohn to eat.. saw Dayna and Yishan there. Ate together, I competed with Brandon in the drum game :D I WON! Well no, but I won anyway. Went shopping until 1.50, then checked in the room. It was really small for 6 people.. and the food sucks. There wasn't anything except nuggets so screw that.

Sung for awhile.. was really boring, went over to Dayna's and Yishan's room to sing instead, had fun there :D We took videos, and snapshots. But over at the other room was all love songs lol. And too many people I guess.

Went for the buffet afterwards, it was awesome man. Haven't had hotpot since .. long ago. Ordered lots of stuff :D There were no wastage charges anyways, YahTing was like scared. Ate 'til our fill, had ChocolateFondue afterwards.. wasn't what I expected. It was cheap ice cream! Well it was free so we can't expect much. Went a long way to the train station, they were rushing, I don't know why either :/ There's no school tomorrow.

Anyways, trained home.. supposed to still use the computer after but my brother's sick.. mom doesn't want me to disturb him so. I can't use the comp .____. Was supposed to bathe.. but only found out there was no heater after stripping D: Then waited until I fell asleep.. .__. Woke up at 2 PM.. then bathed then sleep, again.

Today wasn't as fun as expected, but still nonetheless, fun. :D

Sunday, October 12, 2008
~ 10/12/2008 10:49:00 PM ~
Woke up at 3, supposed to meet Gwen at 3, but she was still at home so we made it later.. had to wait for mom to get ready.. she wanted to bring me there for some reason :/ So Gwen waited for like an hour..? .____. e5 people were there too, coincidentally. So she had company while waiting.

Reached at 4.16, studied for like an hour and a half. Got really restless afterwards.. played PSP, since I've finished what I wasn't sure about.. Gwen continued. She so guai, had a full notebook of.. notes(duh). Ate.. then played more, she was still at it.. then we left after awhile.. she looked so bored D: I didn't know what to say, was awkward.

Anyways.. finally killed that motherf*cking huge wyvern! :D AND THE NEW DP ULTI IS GAY. Yeah I know you don't care, but it needs to be said.

Gonna sleep now.. night!

Jacqueline is a baka! 马鹿!

Friday, October 10, 2008
~ 10/10/2008 10:29:00 PM ~
Woke up at 6.16 today.. my parents are driving me to school today.. so I won't be meeting Nick. Reached school around 6.50. Studied for POA a little, didn't expect to score much as I couldn't remember anything, the formats weren't getting in my head. Went up for the exam afterwards.. was nervous, hoping the test wouldn't be too hard. And yeah, like the other tests, it was much easier than what we all expected. And amazingly I actually rememebered the format! D:

But I couldn't balance it up.. I left out the important message.. "..withdrew $500 worth of goods for personal use". This wasn't shown in the notes D: Liars. But I guess I'll manage to score a 50.. if all goes well. PLEASE?

Went to Maccas afterwards with Jeremy, Marcus and Justin. Nick didn't come along, he had something to attend to. Ate.. nothing much happened, Marcus was playing with food then blaming Jeremy. Nothing much happened afterwards, chat with Gwen when I got home.. she had tuition so she went off, and came back. Went out for dinner with family afterwards. Had BeefHorFun :D It was awesome, damn nice. Some aunty collecting cans came by asking if I wanted mine.. there was like half inside the can.. so I finished half of my drink and emptied the can, so good right? :D But was damn full afterwards.. and didn't feel so well D: Went home. DotA'd with Nick for an hour plus.. then sleep.


Thursday, October 9, 2008
~ 10/09/2008 07:31:00 PM ~
Woke up at 6.16.. really didn't feel like going to school. I think I wouldn't be if there wasn't any paper today.. was soooo damned tired. Yeah.. Math Paper 1. Time to go school &die.

Reached train station at 6.40, no one was there at all. Train was empty, yay. Didn't have to squeeze.. when I alighted I met Dayna and Winnie.. I was like in the middle of them, super awkward dunno which to talk to. Then faster walk away D: Went up to Nick's at 6.50 I think, one of the earliest times I've reached.. studied there, he finally came down from upstairs.. at 7.10++ I stomach ache then use toilet.. came out and it was 7.20 O_O Yeah, we were late. All Nick's fault D: MrMustafa let us go since there were exams, thank God.

Went up to class, on the way heard MsYanti's voice LOL. She was like "haha late, cause I not there". xD Math paper.. everyone got ready, only left me and Nick. Math paper was relatively easy.. I've been sneezing since the start of the day.. when I was at the 360 degree question I was sneezing like crazy.. so I didn't think for that then I just skip. D: Then found out it was bloody easy.. My table was stuffed with tissues.. Gwen wasn't there, she was at gym taking express math .____. I didn't know how to do some though.. like Trigonometry questions.. and the factorization.. I hope I get 40+ then can pass le.. D: Hope my Paper 2 pass too.. or at least 20+ so I can pass..

Went home.. MsToh make us stay again. What the hell, we didn't talk D: at all. I think. Damned Lucius. But she left us off after awhile.. so it wasn't that bad. Went to Maccas with Marcus, Justin and Nick. Lol, had BigBreakfastWhichWasSoSmall? I wasn't full at all. Went home afterwards..

Talked to Gwen like really long.. then played MSN games. I think they're fun. :D They make me laugh. DotA'd with Nick too.. I think he got pissed off at me. For something I did, I don't know what.

Anyways.. POA paper tomorrow.. gonna study for a bit.. probably gonna fail, or pass on the dot anyways. BUT STILL. Must try.. I might even retain, I only have like.. English.. two other subjects.. Combined Humanities..? Probably.. Science?(But I deproved a lot in Chemistry.. and my Physics has sucked all the while).. POA.. is hopeless. Eh.. that leaves.. Chinese and Math.. I might pass Chinese, might. And Math too. So, next year's gonna be really hard for me. But I'm just- too- lazy- to- be- bothered.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
~ 10/08/2008 10:37:00 PM ~
Woke up at 6.23 today, was really late.. couldn't get up 'cause I came home really late yesterday. Left house without brother, he left earlier.. left at like.. 6.45? D: Reached Nick's house at 7.05, I wasn't late afterall.. maybe 'cause I rushed a little. Gate almost closed.. but THANK GOD. We saw MsYanti(SAVIOUR), LOL. She told on MsToh about what Nick said, again.

English Paper 2.. the paper was easy, ironically. I expected it to be really hard, since the mock-exams MsToh gave us to practice was way harder than this. But not only was the Cloze Passage easy, Passage A was easy as well.. usually there'd be a few "In your own words" questions, there's only 1 this time. So not what we expected.. Summary was not easy.. but it wasn't as hard as those mock-exams either. Much easier, the points could be found easily as long as you read hard enough and understood the passage. The theme of the paper was dieting and food nutrition. Lol, I thought MsToh set the paper, but it was MrPan.

Anywho.. the easy part was over.. next up was Chemistry Paper 3 and 4, together in 1 hour 25 minutes.. it was a really short paper, but I didn't know some parts.. but got one I GUESSED AND I GOT CORRECT, woot. The Blast Furnace also guess, SHOULD BE CORRECT but then the teacher li siao, go and change the direction of the furnace then opposite. T__T Stupid assholes.

MsToh played game with us.. made us stay for like 2 hours.. damn sian la, but learnt that she isn't that bad of a teacher afterall. So I guess it's a good thing? While waiting Jeremy was like practicing dancing la.. yuck D: Burnt my eyes(No offenceeeeeee, although it's offensive).

Chat with Gwen for the rest of the day.. we played MSN games :D She lose then don't friend me(wth?!) D: And she laughs like a retard, hahahaha. So. Damn. Bored. And. Tired. The new DotA map sucks IMO, the terrain is badddddddd. But I like the new heroes, or HERO.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
~ 10/07/2008 05:55:00 PM ~
I forgot to blog on this day!

Had SS paper.. was kind of easy :D I think can score well.. I think we went to eat that day.. went home.. probably chat-ed with Gwen.. and then played DotA. I think. Yeah just posting for the sake of posting D: DONE!

~ 10/07/2008 12:24:00 PM ~
1) Are you single?
Yeah, but not available

2) Are you happy?

3) Are you bored?
Hell yeah D:

4) Are you sad?

5) Are you Italian?
Does it make a difference.

6) Are you pregnant?
Jeremy said I am pregnant .____.

7) Are you afraid of the dark?
Yeah .__. especially when after watching a scary movie, or scary pictures(DAYNA)

8) Are you good at cooking?
Depends on what

9) Are you Irish?
I think I'm Singaporean.

10) Are your parents still married?


1) Do you believe in love at first sight?
I think so.

2) Have you ever been hurt emotionally?

3) What is it that you look for in someone?
Eh.. personality and character. Looks are most important but you said in someone D:

4) Do you have anyone you like?

5) Are you afraid of commitments?
No, just lazy.

6) Have you hugged someone within the last week?
My mom? Nicholas? My dog?

7) Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Some.. and it's not very secret..

8) Which ex did you love the most?
Never had one .____.

9) Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex on the lips?
He kissed me instead D: And I want to.. but he wouldn't let me

10 Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
I don't have one, damnit. STOP RUBBING IT IN.

1) Love or money?

2) Hard liquor or beer?
Strawberries :D

3) Cats or dogs?

4) A few best friends or many regular friends?
A few best friends.

5) Television or internet?

6) Pepsi or coke?
Chrysanthemum Tea, IN A CAN.

7) Wild night out or romantic night in?
Wild night out.

8) Money or happiness?
Happiness, if you're happy you probably have money too, or that it applies to me.. >_>

9) Night or day?
Night, no sun :D

10) MSN or phone?


1) Been caught sneaking out?
No.. my mom lets me go anywhere.

2) Been skinny dipping?
What's this?

3) Done something you regret?

4) Bungee jumped?

5) Lied to someone you love?
Yeah, the person asked if I liked anyone.. I said no D:

6) Finished an entire jaw breaker?
They sell those?!

7) Have you ever slept in someone else's bed?
Yeah.. my mom's, Jeremy's.. my DOG's :D

8) Wanted an ex bf/gf back?
I. Don't. Have. Any. EX. Bf. Or. Gf.

9) Cried because you lost a pet?
No o_o; It died instead.

10) Wanted to disappear?
Yeah when I'm humiliated.


1) Smile or eyes

2) Light or dark hair

3) Hugs or kisses

4) Shorter or taller

5) Intelligence or attraction
Attraction, but not dumb.

6) Romantic or spontaneous

7) Hook-up or relationship
Hook-up. And sometimes relationship.

8) Dinner out or takeaways

9) Hot or cute
and cute.

10) Educated or dropout


1) Last phone call you made
I think you meant my LAST PHONE..

2) Last phone call you received
Eh.. .. Nick?

3) Last person you hung out with
Nick too.

4) Last person you tackled
JunKiat lol. We were fighting to get in the MRT thing first.

5) Last person(s) you hugged
I did that liao la, scroll up.

6) Last text message you received
I haven't had a phone since..

7) Last person(s) you went to the movies with
Jacq and YahTing o_o!

8) Last person/thing you missed

9) Last thing you touched
Excluding my keyboard.. my you-know-what :D!

Monday, October 6, 2008
~ 10/06/2008 09:23:00 PM ~
Woke up at 5.55 today. Got ready at 6.00 :D First time so fast.. but when I put on my pants that time stomach ache..... what the hell D: I ended up leaving house at 6.30.. then forget to take wallet, but thank God I was inside the elevator.. so I went back up and took it, then 6.35 D: Reached Nick's house at normal time =___=; Wasted so much time.. he left immediately today, apparently wanting to borrow notes from Gabriel for last minute revision. I really really(reallyreallyreallyreallyreally) wanted to eat the egg-sandwich his maid cooked .. but scared later stomach ache so I passed D: Totally regret.. HOPE HIS MAID COOKS IT TOMORROW! :D

Reached school pretty early.. Gabriel wasn't there yet, poor Nick. And when he came he said he doesn't have the notes .___. Went up to our class for our doom. First up was Chinese Paper 2.. it's.. slightly harder.. than N'level standards somehow. But I managed to read all of the words in the passages correctly(note: correctly) :D I was like "Oh my goooood I can read". I think my Chinese improved a lot :D I'm able to write a lot more words now.. partly thanks to constant reading of Chinese lyrics in KBOX and the writing of the lyrics as well. Stomach has been hurting since the middle of the paper..

then next paper was doomed D: but the school decided to be kind to let us go for Recess. Initially wanted to use this 30 minutes to go do you-know-what .__. But it stopped hurting, so I didn't. Then went back to class, then right when I got the paper in my hands it STARTED TO HURT LIKE F*CK. D: Then went during the 2 hour paper.. I spent 25 minutes in the toilet.. .____. the Math paper was hard.. I got the wrong formula .___. They didn't give the formula for the quadratic thing.. and Simultaneous also forgot le.. I should've went to look for MrsToh for that .___. I thought I knew.. so gay. I think I'm gonna score pretty badly.. 20-30.. no more, no less.. I hope I don't get 10? Or all hope's gone..

MsToh wanted to let us go row by row.. but YongJie and Lucius was like discussing.. so she skipped out row.. everytime also like that.. last year also =_= CommonTest 1 also. then when all rows gone she play game with us.. she saw someone's newsletter on the projector.. then want us to get rid of it BUT NOT THROW OR CRUSH. Or not each of us copy 10 times of it WITH COLOUR AND PICTURES, she's a little crazy :D That's our MsHot. Then later finally let us go that time.. NICK DROPPED HIS CALCULATOR then she say Class Chairman protest, so we shall stay longer -____-; then YongJie say "MsHot damn childish sia" then she's like "So now I'm childish ah is it, YongJie?" then he's like "NoNoNoNo, me me." then she keep asking "So who's irritating? Who's childish? Who's dumb? Who's stupid? Who's idiotic? Who's annoying? Who's silly?" then YongJie no choice but say himself.. then he keep hearing silly as singing, then ask WHO SINGING?! Then stay even longer.. then later MsHot dismiss uh ONE BY ONE. Gabriel went.. Nick went.. my turn.. yay! YongJie keep saying faster faster then SHE SKIP ME AND HIM LEH WTH. Let Brandon go, then Lucius.. then me.. and still ask me to push in the chairs la.. what the hell. T_T Then before I leave the door I said bye to YongJie then MsHot was like "Bye" then YongJie say "He saying bye to me la not you", then she's like "Okay so he doesn't wanna go" and asked me to go back =_= I faster chiong out of the door.

Finally went home.. went to eat with Justin, Nick, Kid, Marcus and Jeremy first though. Then when I reached home I fell asleep on my mom's bed for like 3 hours. Did I mention? My mom's bed is damn nice to lie down luh, immediately sleep D: woke up and it's 6 PM, what the hell. Went to DotA once then now studying.. TRYING TO END THIS FUCKING LONG POST D: BYEEEE

Sunday, October 5, 2008
~ 10/05/2008 09:43:00 PM ~
Woke up at 12.10, thought I would be late for the study trip at 1.30 but turns out Nick hasn't even woken up at 1.45.. apparently he slept at 6 AM yesterday.. what the fuck =__= 不会自动。 Pig sia. Then that Shermaine also another pig wake up even later. Didn't expect them to be THIS late.. so I got my brother to fetch me to KAP(King Albert Park) hoping by the time I reach they should be halfway there, so I can like 'book' a seat for us. But.. I sat there waiting for 3 whole fucking hours.. well I was studying while waiting.. also playing PSP :D Thank God I brought it.

Also witnessed some weird stuff.. like two girls buying weird stuff from ColdStorage, and then spiking a guy's drink o____o; they had fun, also playing with some witch hat.. I almost laughed out loud but didn't anyways :X Some fat Macdonalds worker came and ask me if I wasn't eating I should go somewhere else.. so I went to buy something and left my food there.. until the two came, at least. -____- Well I got hungry after the bloody wait, so I ate.. and right after my last bite they came :D Shermaine looked pretty. Her eye-liner was badly placed though.. soo. Nick? He was in his usual attire.. no change D: Me? Lol I was wearing some random t-shirt and shorts, w/ slippers that's all :D I think they overdressed ._____.

They ate for like an hour.. studied afterwards for like 2 hours? Spent 1/4 of the 2 hours talking.. then went and buy ice-cream -___- didn't study much but cleared by doubts on Trigonometry, so that's a good thing.. right?

Oh yeah.. the McFlurry tasted so bland .____. went to ColdStorage afterwards.. we left earlier than I expected.. I was like "what the hell so fast..?". Shermaine had something to attend to.. Nick wanted to leave with her.. so I had no choice. Bought Sushi and Ricola in ColdStorage :D! EggMayooooooooo<3. We also walked past the sex stuff.. Shermaine asked me what Lubricant was.. .. had a hard time explaining.. then I also saw StrawberryFlavouredCondom :D Looked so nice.. but don't think I'll get to taste it though ._____.

Bus-ed home, then train-ed home. Could've just bus-ed and walk-ed home.. but Nick and Shermaine wanted me to accompany them. So yeah, 77'd with them to BktBatok.. chatting with Gwen now :D Slayed 4 Khezus on PSP today :D! Andddddddd got 2 new songs.. :D That's all.



Friday, October 3, 2008
~ 10/03/2008 11:37:00 PM ~
Woke up at 6.19 today.. later than usual, yeah but nonetheless early still. Went to wash up and took a bath. A hot bath to be precise, hot baths in the morning are so nice. Down side's that they make you wanna sleep more.. so it's kind of a trap. But it's irresistable. Put on my c.lenses and stuff.. then went to change into uniform. The pimple's gone, feel so relieved now, and no need to take extra care when sitting. Left for train station at 6.45.. went alone today, my brother couldn't wait so he left early.

Reached Nicholas' house at like 6.58, greeted with loud barkings from his dogs, Sparkie&Candy. It's weird why they bark at every single stranger that walks pass their door or window. Amazingly, I can make them shut up. Sat down on sofa.. Sparkie followed me. In case you didn't know, Sparkie is a 10-15 KG obese Shih-Tzu. Just when I sat, he jumped on me.. and on my zipper-area.. yeah it hurt .. *itaiiiiii. Dogs like aiming my private part.. don't know why either so don't ask.

Almost fell asleep on his couch until he came down from upstairs.. borrowed a manual(book) Chinese dictionary from him.. he changed the battery for his ElectronicDictionary several times, but none of the batteries worked. I think it was the dictionary that wasn't working at that point of time.. unlucky him. Rushed to school, he walked really fast today.. and din't go buy drinks.. I see how it is. When he wants something he's able to sacrifice, but when I want something he doesn't D: Anyways.. he rushed to SanLian(A classmate of ours) to borrow batteries, thinking that it was actually the batteries that had no power left, and not the dictionary. So to play safe he decided to borrow a working battery from her(yeah she's a very resourceful person), didn't work either. I tried poking the 'Reset' button but to no avail anyways. Sat down behind Jeremy and Marcus.. was sweating badly.. no thanks to Nick and his 'wind-walk'.. was really sleepy when I sat down. But not long after we were told the command to stand up and begin preparing for the ceremony so yeah -____- couldn't rest at all.

Went up to class for our ChinesePaper 1, thank god it wasn't held in the Gymnasium. It would've been so warm totally anti-concentration. There were two sections to the paper. Like English, the infamous Situational writing consisting of two choices to choose from, the Informal and Formal letter. &The second part was Continuous writing. Three questions to choose from. For Situational, I chose question 1.. :D informal writing. Was a lot easier than formal.. except formal yields more points for the formats but it's hard to remember, content-wise was easy though. WELL not like I even understood the question. Or bothered to.

For informal content-wise was a lot, but formats were easier. Yields more points for content, and my best bet was content anyway soooo. I took most of my time on the Situational and neglected my continuous, since I had nothing much to write for that.. I had 2 short paragraphs on my continuous.. and one long one..

Then for Continuous, there were 3 questions.

2)写你做了什么好事和坏事。(something like that)
3)有两位16岁的姐妹为了明星梦而退学,甚至放弃了O水准。你对这件事有什么感想?(Talking about the two 16 year old twin-sisters who withdrew from their school and gave up their O'levels examinations to become singers, now the duo-Singers called By2 who made their first album this year called "NC16".)

Anyways, I picked question 3.. the other I had nothing to write for question 3, or at least.. nothing much. So why did I pick this? I had absolutely nothing to write for the other two questions D:

Yeah.. finished the two questions at about the end of the stipulated time given. Went home afterwards, joy. Went to eat SubWay with Nick, Marcus and Justin. Was fun :D We talked about many stuff and funny stuff.. mostly involving me and Marcus D: 'cause he wouldn't stop making fun of me .______. but was fun anyways.

Train-ed home afterwards and DotA'd with Nick and Jeremy, searched for blogskins for Nick 'til 1AM+ and quarrelled with my mom because of it .____. she said I use the computer too much, or at least. Turn it on for too long. Yeah.. D: now gonna go sleep.


*Ouch in Japanese, usually stressed longer.
**Formal way to say Good Night in Japanese, informal
way would be to say "Oyasumi" without endfix. :D

Thursday, October 2, 2008
~ 10/02/2008 10:09:00 PM ~

here's your photos .__.

Woke up at 6.15 today, got ready at about .30? Reached Nick's at like 6.55 :D Early today.. so I could afford the luxury to rest at his living room for like.. 10 minutes :D Left at around 6.15 =.= Earlier by 2 minutes than usual but was almost late - YES STILL. Then we even ran for the closing gate &Nick could still be so relaxed .___. 佩服。

Anyways.. first lesson was POA, we played "Who wants to be a Millionaire" again, I think most of the people forgot the point to the game.. so they were over-reacting, but that's a good thing right? Shows that they care.. and bother to care. MsZhang really tries her best to teach us, she taught us on BooksOfOriginalEntry and SourceDocuments today. I understood :D omg.

Afterwards was.. eh English I think.. she came in to return us a Woodgrove Paper we did a few weeks ago.. it wasn't marked so we had to mark it ourselves.. Jeremy made Firdaus copy for him =.= still demand him to move beside him so can see, but he moved himself anyway.. I didn't count how much I get but I roughly passed I think. Don't know if it's a good pass though D:

Then Physics.. was so boring.. he went through recap but I don't see the difference..? I forgot what I did too.. recess time!

Recess, wanted to eat but once again the fat-whores in front hogged the entire stall(literally), so we didn't try or bother to try .___. walked over to the other stall &got some nuggets.. went to bench to sit down.. then went to staircase area and watched them play volleyball.. I wanted to play this time round.. but yeah, the ball stinks so .. I didn't.

Yeah, next lesson was Chinese.. I don't think MsPeh likes me a lot D: She isolated me and Justin from everyone else by movin' them away T_T Not that it helped but it's an effort. I didn't do anything much.. except piss her off..

Chemistry.. feel sorry for MsChong.. but I was too busy drawing on my foolscap cover.. yeah! I wrote over 10 song lyrics on it :D I even took snaps of it on Jacq's HP, she'll help me upload soon ;D They said my handwriting looks like a girl's .. ._____.

Stay'd back for MathRemedial.. we had it in the MRL, so it was air-conditioned.. I stayed back for nothing though.. she went for the meeting for so long I got impatient and left. Jacq,Dayna&Yishan came along too :D Dayna left for her Granny's so it was only the other two that accompanied me to WestMall.. we went to popular.. the CED no stock la fucked up D: Tmr die le.. gonna use a freaking BOOK.. probably gonna take forever to find. We ate at KouFu afterwards.. lol they had TaiwaneseCuisine o_o looks so cute the pot and stuff.. stole some of Jacq's and YS's food ._____.;; Yeah I know I'm greedy D: We talked until 6 PM.. we talked about a lot of stuff.. enjoyable time :D and stuff like long long ago.. :o

I train-ed home, the train was filled with Indians(no offence)? It stank like shit.. and I kept hearing weird language.. was a bad part of the car to be in.. regret T__T Lol.. then some old granny and I was crossing the zebra crossing.. then some flashy car probably drove by some reckless dickhead didn't stop to let us go.. I was about to point the middle finger.. then LOL the granny pointed at him.. yeah I laughed.. >_> I think the dickhead laughed too? XD So cute, even old people know how to do that o.o..

Tomorrow's ChinesePaper 1.. so nervous.. hope everything goes well. *あきらめてはいけない!

*Don't give up!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
~ 10/01/2008 11:20:00 PM ~
Woke up at 1.13 PM today.. yeah I know it's late.. I fell asleep yesterday.. so my computer was left on. Got a lashing from my mother T__T, my brother thought I was downloading stuff so he didn't turn it off for me.. .__. Well I got the lashing through phone, so it wasn't that bad. &nyways, woke up and everyone wasn't at home, 'cept my doggy of course. Lol, lay down on the floor with her, fell asleep for awhile again @_@.. like for 30 minutes.. can't blame me D: The floor's cold and the weather's breezy too.. was 24 degrees here when I woke up .___. regular breezes would blow into my living room so yeah, a conducive environment to sleep.

Washed up.. my family was at my cousin's, visiting them and their doggy :D heard it grown a lot compared to when I last saw her.. which was during ChineseNewYear.. time flew sooooo fucking fast I didn't even know I was in the plane :/ Turned on the computer.. it automatically turned on, din't have to press CPU.. think my mom turned off the switch without shutting it down. Nevermind.. was so hungry D: There wasn't any food.. that I would consider edible anyways.. drank ChocolateMilk:D.

No one was online.. including Gwen and Nick.. so I had no one to talk to, or anyone that would play a game with me .___. then she logged on :D at like 3..? I think around there. Talked until 9.. :D She doesn't friend me D: Or I don't friend her, either way's fine.. .___. She had dinner at 6+.. when I just had breakfast D: at 5+, oh, my parents came back at 5+. Ate ChickenChopRice. Lol, tastes like shit but ate it anyways..

They went out to my aunty's.. brought my dog there.. lol D: So poor me was alone at home.. nah I didn't wanna go.. was chatting anyways.. they brought back finger-food my aunty cooked. Yeah I ate them all if that's what you're about to say =____=

So bored.. played PSP.. pwned a few wyverns on MHF2 :D.. D: no they weren't that hard.. also played a few games when Nick came on.. didn't have much fun in those few games but yeah.. .___. and disconnected from the last one.. blog-hopped, Nick seems down recently.. probs 'cause of her. Yeah.. we saw her with WJ the other day when we stayed back in the hall to play volleyball.. yeah hope he feels better.

Uh.. about to sleep now.. just felt like blogging.. and my Untouched by the Veronicas is so awesome :D.. I'm so bored, can you tell?

It's 27 degrees now.. it's still cold though.. I wonder why.. next few days are gonna be cold too :D good news I guess. I think I left out some stuff I did today.. but in any case, oyasuminasai.

OH YEAH, I remember now.. SELAMAT HARI RAYA. That's what I forgot D: And Happy Children's Day.. I'm not a child anymore T_____T

about me

; Hillgrove Secondary
; 4A1
; 16 this year
; Gemini
; 16June93
; Single, but not available
; Very bhb

leave a note


; Gabriel
; Jacqueline
; Dayna
; Nick
; MsChong


; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009


; j-wen
; deviantart
; brushes
; blogskins
; blogger