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Saturday, November 29, 2008
~ 11/29/2008 11:32:00 PM ~
Went out with Jacq&Dayna today :D we went to causeway point to catch a movie. "Beverly Hills Chihuahua".

Woke up around 12.35, had breakfast.. I mean lunch, gave Money a bath and then had one myself, was like 1.40 when I got ready, mom wanted me to wear jeans. D: Sucks, the weather was warm too. And wore my usual top, yeah and the fugly shoe ._. Meeting them at Lot1 at 2.15, was 2 when I left my house <_< But I was only late for like 15 minutes I think :D Better than usual, or somewhere there. Got my wallet from Dayna, finally. Train'd to woodlands.

The movie wasn't that good =.- 6.5/10, over exaggerated, except the fact that the dogs are uber cute, but yeah the Chihuahua had a bark of a dragon. The dogs have handbags, dunno for what either, and cellphones where they go "arf arf arf" to their owners, and the owner.. barks back.

Went for Swensens afterwards, had BakedRice and the CookieSummit O:
Jacq had the same, Dayna didn't eat, shared the ice cream with me instead, I made her eat the stuff I don't want :D

Went to Delifrance, Dayna had her dinner there, me and Jacq ate too, yet again. Had a crossaint, same with Dayna, Jacq had some choc.fudge cake, was damn full lol, yeah I eat a lot. Train'd to CCK, went to Dayna's. Vivi was scared of me again, but this time she got used to me afterwards :D She's so cute lol, her hair is like the same as Dayna's x_x
Her parents weren't at home, they were at M'sia, she wanted us to keep her company, so Jacq&me went along :0, they were looking at friendster, while I fell asleep with Vivi on the couch @_@

Went home at 10 exactly, Dayna and Vivi walked us to the bus-stop, well Dayna carried Vivi to the bus-stop, and she seems to be afraid of buses, >_> She tries to run when one goes by. Bus'd home, discussed with Jacq on the way about Japanese courses, we're going to Inoue School! :DD

Went home, turned on computer and played until somewhere near 1 AM, my dad was in the room lookin' at old pictures, 30 years ago, he showed me his family members, 1/4 of them passed away.. .__. And my aunty looks like her daughter when she was young, so does my uncle, he looks like his oldest son when he was young. And my dad does not look like me D: My mom's really pretty before, she claims she got fat after giving birth to me, BS! D: But she's really pretty, even now :3 And I look so ugly when I was young T-T.. So black.. and ugly, not cute at all. Until when I was 2 years old, then I looked a little better :D Will post up pictures, when I get them in high resolution :/

Time to sleep, night! :D

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
~ 11/19/2008 09:45:00 PM ~
Parents came back today. Still feeling sick, going out tomorrow with Nick x_X postponed the thing to tomorrow so.. still watching anime. Don't wanna go anywhere D:

"Meh" is a word nao, in the dickshenury. That is all. Dunno what to post.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
~ 11/18/2008 12:59:00 AM ~
Woke up with a stomach ache, again. x_x Slept at 4 AM yesterday.. Slept with doggy on my mom's biiiiiiiiiig bed. Feeling sick.. but not really sick, watched anime.. again, so lifeless, watched like 40 episodes yesterday and today.

Supposed to meet Dayna but I woke up late, so didn't go.. didn't wanna go anyway, not feeling well. Supposed to go out with Nick, after meeting Dayna, but didn't go as well..

Money was biting my shoes when I woke up .__. parents coming back tomorrow, I'm enjoying being at home alone I don't want them to come back D: Not feeling well .__. gonna stop here.

Monday, November 17, 2008
~ 11/17/2008 12:59:00 PM ~
Parents went off this morning, to Genting. So bored at home now, brother went off for work. Alone with Money. Woke up with a god damned stomach ache x_x bad way to start the day. Haven't been blogging recently, so I'm gonna update the blog. Too lazy.. been watching anime. Playing games on WC3. Then.. uh nothing much really..

Feeling unwell since the morning.. fed the dog.. then brother came back with dinner. Forgot what happened that day.. yeah this post's scheduled. Gonna stop here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
~ 11/13/2008 08:42:00 PM ~
Received a phone call at 1 today from Nick, reminding me to get up 'cause we're going out :D, yeah.. with Nick, Ducky&Dayna to Lot1. Was raining when I got up, got my parents to drive me there after washing up and bathing.

Amazingly, I was the first to be there :D Dayna was second, waited for Nick&Ducky for like.. 10 minutes =.- and they still asked me to be early D: Went inside the mall to eat, had LJS again. Yeah we don't get bored of it X_x no one does. Dayna didn't eat 'cause "she wasn't hungry". Since my parents and brother aren't home, they came over to visit doggy O:

Money was like super excited when she saw them, so much so that she pee'd on the ground D: No thanks to Ducky. They spent the entire day here, Dayna was hungry, so I cooked her noodles. Still say not hungry D: Brought out the PS2 console and play'd with Nick, but ended up the controllers were being sucky and decided to spoil at that time.. haven't touched it for ages so it was expected. Still had fun though, at the stupidity where our controllers malfunctioned xD

Went to Dayna's friendster and saw her comments o_o flooded with "porkchop". Lol. Apparently her admirer's a really ugly guy .___. not gonna name who but yeah. Really ugly x_x Nick play'd DotA and blamed my computer for losing D: Said it was laggy. .___.;

Parents came home with my brother, they bought food for them as well, so good right. Burgers&ChickenWings o.o and they didn't have to pay D:< Oh and my mom got Nick to pick 4D numbers through the "crystal balls" LOL o_o, but the bowl holding it(also crystal) exploded for some reason x_x Scary. They went home afterwards, gonna DotA with Nick later, and Gabriel o.o

Oh yeah.. Ducky's dog has to be sent away @_@ Anyone wants a dog? Leave a tag if you want the dog(don't anyhow say k o.o) MsChong&MsZhang has an announcement for you guys as well, so check either her blog or the class blog for info. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
~ 11/12/2008 08:20:00 PM ~
Going out tomorrow with Jacq and Dayna :D Finally got someone to go out with me X_x Uber bored at home.. sick of the computer. Just watched Naruto :D Liekzit so much.

Well.. let's see what I did today.
Nothing .__. I just lazed around at home, but I managed to deprive myself of the computer and spent almost the entire day with Money. She was afraid of the thunder so I accompanied her all the way @_@

Oh and bees are infecting my house D: They keep building nests outside my window .__. they built a big one during June, to which my father burnt away, and they built one again 2 weeks ago .__. snipped it off with a scissors 'cause it was still small, and now they're building a new one D:

So gross ._.; November's ending soon, then December.. then school start X_x everything goes too fast. Like shotgun marriage.. okaaaay random .__.

Saturday, November 8, 2008
~ 11/08/2008 10:50:00 PM ~
Haven't been blogging these few days D:
Been sleeping late these few days, either watching teevee, the computer or just lazing around .__. Sleeping's really bothersome, I don't wanna sleep T_T

Woke up at like.. 4 today, PM. 4 PM today. Yeah I know.. I'm a pig But I slept at 6 yesterday so..
Anyways, my brother arranged my evening for me, without noticing me ==
Going for a movie at Lot1, Quantum of Solace, AKA 007 o_o
I never watched the sequels so.. I don't know what's going on, I think I slept thru 3/4 of the movie..

The movie isn't really that interesting.. or at least to me, but the stunts were okay, the guy doesn't even look like he's human anymore, he jumps so far like some cyborg. Unbelievable.
But one part of the movie was nice :D or.. part of the entire screening, the trailer of Twilight :D
I wanna watch it so bad >< it's on December though.. long long wait, I want it come soon, but then when it comes.. school comes soon too. Noooo D:

Ah.. gonna be 16 soon, responsibilities come, stuffs that affect my future.. the way I'm gonna live next time.. too much to handle, don't think I can do it.
But anyways, not like I have an option.. 16 years old, 16 years old. I always wanted grow up fast, but I guess not anymore, the thought of next year is really scary.. -torment-

My blog is screwing up on IE(InternetExplorer) D: Sucky
I hope it gets fixed or something.. not that it needs fixing. It works on FireFox D:
Picking up Japanese classes soon~ Wonder if Ducky's gonna take with me..

Anyways.. ASK ME OUT PEOPLE D: I'm so bored at home.. I need to go out.. KBox or whatever :D anywhere will do.

So dead bored.. holidays don't feel like holidays.. by the way.. the thunder was really loud this morning.. probably one of the loudest I heard in Singapore so far.. it shook the entire building, the window grilles was vibrating like mad.. I guess the end of the world is coming x_x
Since we're lacking in oil.. drinking water.. many many things.. and economy is bad, and now bad weather, D: Let's just die. Then I don't have to care about my future :D
Yeaaaah I'm selfish .__. I can't think that D: How could I. Talking to myself .___.;

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
~ 11/04/2008 11:59:00 PM ~
HELLO. :D Went out with Kid&Nick today. Woke up at like 12.35. I woke up three times .___., first at 7 AM, I looked at the clock. “还早啦。。” then continue sleeping, second time was at 9.. look at the clock again, “还早。。“ Third time I look at it was when I woke up, I was like blur blur, looked at the clock. "What the fuck! 7PM!?" Jumped out of bed and ran to my mom, “为什么没有叫我起来?!“ “我哪里知道你几点要起来?!“ "3.30半出去,当然是before三点出门啦!现在七点了难道3.30半出去吗?!白痴!“ Then she stared at me for awhile.. “七点。。?现在才12点!白痴!“

I was like PS, I looked at the minute hand and took it for the hour hand D: Told you I was blur .__. Turned on comp and started surfing, chatting with people until 3.30, then it rained.. yes, again. Well since Nick would be back after 4, and the rain would probably stop around 4, which it did at 4.30++, we got Nick to go along with us at 6.50+.

Met them at Lot1 entrance.. after searching for awhile. They waited for 5 minutes >_> not my fault I've to walk there D: Went around shopping.. then Nick was very hungry, so we went for LJS 'cause he likes it a lot :D There's the new grilled sets o.o I ordered the CajunGrilledChicken, it was awesome. It has like clamchowder with like the wrapskin, and a really nice patty with fries :D and buttered rice.. aaaah damn hungry now .____.; Kid had the 4.95 thing, Nick had the same, the guy gave him the wrong thing LOL, they heard wrongly when he ordered.

Went to PetsLover and bought something for Money :D AppleSticks, went to Comics to search for a box Kid wanted to buy.. didn't buy one due to his indecisiveness.. D: then went home. Gave Money one of the sticks& she likes it, I think, although they stink like #*@! but I think she likes it o_o she likes apples so..

DotA'd with Nick all the way, then played another game with Nick&Gab :D waiting for Nick now.. he's eating.. yet again. But because my mom is nagging.. and is gonna make a scene, I'm gonna go off now. Buaixszxszxszxszxszx

Monday, November 3, 2008
~ 11/03/2008 11:53:00 PM ~
Supposed to go out today, but cancelled the trip 'cause it rained.. Postponed it to tomorrow. Woke up and stared at my blog, the pink stripes were really getting on my nerves so I decided to re-do the entire skin, which I just did 5 minutes ago(12.33 AM). Yes, I scheduled this post D:

DotA'd with Nick the entire day, Gabriel wasn't on.. he said today play again, HE LIED TO ME D:
Got Nick to try the new game, but he doesn't like it, as usual. Stubborn .___. Rotting at home, nuthin' to do.. Kid's complaining to me about how sad he is.. he just asked me to treat him to LJS tomorrow, 'cause his birthday's coming up. Yeah la 6November la, I'll remember la. My birthday also no one care ==

Nick's eating now.. oh he just IM'd me.

无 情 ™ - 在我们之间的距离隔着眼泪 Until the end , you still left says (12:41 AM):
wait awhile mre
Serenity's says (12:41 AM):
无 情 ™ - 在我们之间的距离隔着眼泪 Until the end , you still left says (12:41 AM):
now food disgesting
Serenity's says (12:41 AM):
My father
Serenity's says (12:41 AM):
is kp-ing me
无 情 ™ - 在我们之间的距离隔着眼泪 Until the end , you still left says (12:41 AM):
kp him bak
Serenity's says (12:41 AM):
My mom
Serenity's says (12:41 AM):
and brother sleeping
Serenity's says (12:41 AM):
And I don't feel like talking -.-
无 情 ™ - 在我们之间的距离隔着眼泪 Until the end , you still left says (12:41 AM):
den use sign language
Serenity's says (12:42 AM):
Serenity's says (12:42 AM):
Serenity's says (12:42 AM):
It's almost 1 AM
Serenity's says (12:42 AM):
I used the computer the entire day
Serenity's says (12:42 AM):
I should go rest soon anyway
Serenity's says (12:42 AM):
无 情 ™ - 在我们之间的距离隔着眼泪 Until the end , you still left says (12:42 AM):
dn go ahead

Gonna go off.. and rest, I can't sleep.. prolly gonna watch teebee all night.. or morning.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
~ 11/02/2008 11:36:00 PM ~
I woke up at 11 again, thanks to Ducky. She called me early in the morning and asked me “Nicholas的家在那里“Nicholas的家在那里!?!”. I thought she was gonna ask me to go out again.. would be nice, since I'm bored at home. Nothing to do recently, holidays but I'm like.. bored.

Nicholas went to Malaysia.. but left his computer on, and the persistent me continued to MSN him until he came back o_o; which was like 5 hours.. shows how bored I was .___. Daddy's still in Indonesia, so Money was alone with me again. My mom bluff her, "Money 爸爸回来了!“ then she rushed to the door, then she look at me mom and look away, ignoring her. XD CutestDogEVER.

Chat with Kid for awhile.. he went off for basketball, then Gab. Nick came back after awhile, he seems really sad and is in some unnecessary trouble.. after that went to chat with Justin instead, all of them have 心事 'cept for Gab.

Played Warcraft with Gab, he seemed to like the game very much o_o; Not dotA, something else. I like the game too, and finally can find someone among the lot of my friends who enjoy the same game, Nick hates it 'cause it's too "complicated" and dotA is much more "easier". D:

Changed blogskin :D I understand HTML now, I edited like.. almost everything:D
Daddy came back at like.. 10 minutes ago, bathed and brought doggy to sleep. My turn to bathe now, then sleep. 'Cause my brother has work tomorrow and “I'm not to bother him", riight he's hogging the PSP under the blanket =_=

Gonna bathe now.. then sleep.

~ 11/02/2008 12:36:00 AM ~
Amazingly, woke up at like 12 though I slept late last night. Dad's overseas.. —— again.. then my mom went out during the morning to my cousin's for Mahjong sessions o.o left me alone on the sofa with Money, brother wasn't at home either.. went back to sleep after washing up. I know it's redundant la I didn't know I will feel tired =.-

Slept on my mom's biggggg bed, air-con just right above me, 爽~ doggy was there too, on her own bed on my mom's bed. Got woke up by a call from .. Dayna o_o; was still sleepy, she asked if I wanna go for LJS at Lot1. I wasn't listening 'cause I was dozing off, Ducky was asking me to “起来阿! 起来阿!". So I did, meeting them there at 4.30, I reached at 4.50, they too :D apparently. They got smarter this time to come later, expecting me to be late too, which I did.

Ate, talked with them for a loooooong loooooong time, saw MsPoon, lol. I only saw her hair, 'cause the block of wood was hiding her face, but could recognise her anyway, "那个很像MsPoon.." "那个根本就是MsPoon啦!“ She was with her boyfriend I think.

Went to Dayna's house, greeted by her dog Vivi. Very 凶, she's very alike Money o.o she barks in the same way and is as small as her. Scared of everything and strangers, lol. And she's a half Maltese too, apparently a Snautese(Snauzer+Maltese). o_o

Watched Dayna play Maple..? Ate noodles there, damn full ahhhh. Walked home with Jacq, talk more, then walk'd home.. with my pants dropping every few steps so I stuffed my hands in my pocket o.o;

Blogging nao.. just took a bath. Sleep soon.

about me

; Hillgrove Secondary
; 4A1
; 16 this year
; Gemini
; 16June93
; Single, but not available
; Very bhb

leave a note


; Gabriel
; Jacqueline
; Dayna
; Nick
; MsChong


; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009


; j-wen
; deviantart
; brushes
; blogskins
; blogger