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Monday, January 26, 2009
~ 1/26/2009 01:57:00 AM ~
Gah, haven't been updating at all. Been skiving off recently. Or prolly 'cause I've been going out more often recently.. well here it is. Been going around town area recently.. Taka, FarEast & Bugis searching for CNY clothing. For myself, of'c. Hoping to find something for my dog too, but apparently not.

Buying clothing for myself is really annoying -.- and bothersome. So much things to consider, and though the clothing may look good, it mayn't when you actually put it on yourself. And that's just clothing.. saw some nice ones at FarEast, so I bought one of'em. And there's a sneaker I bought at FarEast too, and supposedly a pair of jeans at Taka, but I decided not to, only to want it after the next day. And finding out that it's out of stock. Dx

Have been eating Gelare for the last few days, really sweet ice-cream on waffles D: And I sleep well for the night too. Ate with Nick, Dayna and Jacq, had fun with them recently, :D Also wanna thank them for accompanying me around to find me something suitable, and especially to Nick&Dayna for their constant advice.

Odd enough, I've never really been around Singapore, at all. It's my first few times at FarEast and Taka etc. All I've ever been to is countries much further away. Like Aus or something.. Neither've I been to Sentosa, how sad is that ;_;

Mm, YahTing's birthday on the twenty second, Happy Birthday!

Been fretting over school matters.. N'Levels really stressing me off, and the dreaded O'levels are twice as worse.. nothing encouraging or motivating me to do well, either. I need a goal. Urgently D: B> Goal&Aim.

Received a pretty long note from MsChong.. apparently 'cause I had a chat with her after school on a certain Friday. Which made her re-arranged the seating plan in class, to make lessons more inteteresting so students won't doze off. It's a pretty good start, I got moved beside Jeremy, again.. continuously for the previous years in my Secondary school life, I've been sitting somewhere near him and constantly annoyed by him. But it's okay :D he's cute anyway.

Ah.. and there was the CNY performance a couple of days ago. Our class sent up Gabriel and SiJin on the stage for the CNY Skit. It's actually pretty well done, both of them did really well, in my opinion - at least. 'cept for the very unnecessary gay actions from Gabriel, it's pretty good. Mm.. nothing much really. The CNY performance is pretty boring.. to be honest. But surprisingly .. that wasn't the end D: MrLionelLong, MrChia and MsTan, MrRojes appeared and started singing. Never expected that MrChia could actually sing. He has strong vocals, prolly from the screaming&shoutin' from our class. Or during NCC.

MsTan's voice was.. so-so.. MrRojes' pretty good on the guitar, I never expected he could actually play any musical instruments. Then we were cruelly tortured by the Principal's stupid speech which no one was interested in.

Ah.. rewind, during PE this week.. I blatantly shouted out that MrEricFoo is unbelievably stupid. Which caused him to ignite and started shouting at me. Though after apologizing, I still feel he's hopelessly retarded =_= And shouting makes me feel even more so. Walked with Nick around the school for the 2.4 "run".

Went to my mom's side for reunion dinner today.. had steam-boat. It's pretty okay.. 'cept the house is really cramped, and stuffy. But whatever.. watched channel 8 for the first time in my life? Had the ChineseNewYear countdown shit.. but curiously I was really drawn to the TV when they announced the "Year Prospective" for the year of the Chicken and Ox.

Says my lucky number is two, and that I should wear black more often(which I already have been doing). Says I've a strong love-life this year.. hopefully it's true D: -desperate- Kidding. And friends might become your worst enemies. But I hope not..? And if it is I hope Nick won't be the one. :/

That's about it.. I think. Tomorrow I'm going to my gramps.. and the next day they're coming over to mine. It's Chinese New Year.. so.. Happy Chinese New Year! >D

Hope this year'll go smoothly for me.. resolutions..
  1. Get at least 55 and above for Maths.
  2. Maintaining A1 for English.
  3. B3 for Chinese.
  4. More clothes.. possibly
  5. My room's getting renovated.. >:D I'm gonna keep it clean so.. constant cleaning of my room
  6. Get to Sec5.. srsly. D: ITE sucks Nooooooo.
  7. NO MORE STRESS by the time I finish all the ones stated above.
  8. Have fucking loads of fun after N'levels.
  10. Repeat and Rinse for the following year.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
~ 1/14/2009 10:07:00 PM ~
Was a lil' late today, cause I lazed on the bed. So had Nick and the rest wait for awhile.. sorry!

First period was Chinese, do 剪报. And content page thing.. supposed to have 听写 instead, but ended up postponing it again. Gonna study a little later..

P.E, 2.4 walk, wind was freaking strong today, they changed the laps to around the two schools, Hillgrove and LianHua. Nick&I took a stroll down then went for recess right after.

Nothin' much to blog about today.. health screening after recess, practiced the guitar.. fingers hurt from it. I think that's all.

And I'm starting to think I've sexual orientation problems. LOL D: halp me

Monday, January 5, 2009
~ 1/05/2009 09:35:00 PM ~
Second day of school - boring, yet again.

Well, we met our Chinese teacher today, apparently she taught my brother before.. and he said she was good? Totally doubt it though, it seems the contrary. Her accent's really annoying.. so much to the extent it makes people laugh. She changed our seats to the front.. and Marcus was laughing. I think 'cause he was right in front, and her voice being louder and clearer. And more stupefied.

Don't think we're gonna do so well, 'cause most of our teachers aren't that good. Like Mr Chia.. he likes doing redundant things so much, and punishing people doesn't work, but teachers never get the point anyway. To think humans actually evolved to the point that they can actually state points.

English lesson, Mr Teo came in late for the class.. like 11 minutes late, nothing much happened. 'Cept he told us his dad had problems with his heart.. liquid leaking into his chest, the liquid apparently being, blood. Yeah, other than having to do a 250 plus "Spontaneous" writing, nothing new.

Geography class, MsSiew——すみません, I mean MrsNg or something. Yeah, she finally got married(She said so herself). Same old.. except I got to swap seats, w/o her noticing me. That's good anyways, not like I'll talk.. I'll prolly fall asleep instead.

MsChong's lesson. Came in and started arranging us to the seating plan.. which, did I mention.. sucks? There's no point putting us around the class, it doesn't matter anyway. And besides, we'll work better in a team anyways, either that, or we'll just fall asleep when we're alone. 'Cause lessons are just.. too boring.. I'm sitting in the center.. with some different people, only close people I know there was Justin(2 seats away), and Marcus(3 seats away).

Recess. Nothing much to talk about, we went up to hall area to sit down. And apparently MrsWhat'sHerFace, some niggershit "saw" us. Or so her counsellor dogs said. So we went downstairs, only to see her staring at us, which we completely ignored. She doesn't even have a status in the school, yet she acts like some big-shot. What? Hoping to get a pay rise? Forget it, dipshit. Wearing some ugly clothing to school everyday, acting elegant. Walking to classes and classes, knocking on the door "Um MissJaneDoe, can I see you for a moment?" -fakesmile-. Bitchplz.

Came back.. I think it was SocialStudies, MrFederickHo. Ironically, among all teachers, I initially thought he would suck to the core, but I was wrong I guess, despite his agua-ness. But his lectures were somewhat interesting. Well everything about Hitler's interesting actually. But in anycase, it's cool to listen to history.. World War.. and world peace, etc. Oh, and all of us clustered back into the center, Jeremy. Marcus. Nicholas and Gabriel, all came back to the center of the class.

Last lesson, also the most boring one.. Math. Thankfully the time passed really fast though, think I won't make it for N'levels, honestly. Let alone O'Levels. Math getting difficult, presentation is way too complex and difficult. And expanding is BORING. and BULLSHIT. And MrsToh doesn't even care if I know, she just acts like I'm invisible. So okay.. but I'll do the work anyway.. I'll try anyways.. okay enough of school. Homeee.

Didn't go home immediately, though. Waited for Nick.. who.. was waiting for Dayna. She had some errands to do, she's President of Modern Dances, so we can expect a little more heavy workload compared to other normal members. She had to put up notices on the notice board(duh).. so we waited, for about 45 minutes. And Jacq pulled out my shirt! Had to tuck it in again.. hate tucking in, but don't tuck in so messy.

Finally, we got to go. Nick, Dayna, Jacq and I, that is. Went for KFC, wrong choice, apparently. Squeezy.. yucky food.. bad quality.. bad service.. and there were Health Inspectors, shaking their head as they inspect. o_o

Went to Jacq's house to do homework later on, encountered by a very fierce barking dog immediately - none other than.. -drumrolls- Mishan! Mon. Lol, she's old. And her eyes look scary, and smelly. But cute still, she's smart. She knows how to shake hands ): My doggy doesn't. But will learn eventually, of'c.

Took out her guitar, asked her to play “晴天“. I think she's really good at it. I tried, it was hard. But not impossible.. I dunno how long she took to learn it. But my hands hurt from holding the strings. And still hurting now as I type. I learnt "晴天“, too. Took like 1 hour.. I got the first verse right, and half of second verse. It's rather similar to the violin, except the violin strings are the other way round from "Every Boy Girl Do Aerobic Excercise". Yeah it's stupid, I know - but works anyway, and that's all matters. I think Jacq secretly snapshot'd me when I was playing the guitar D: BIAN TAI.

Dayna and Nick was all cosey and hugging, and I didn't do homework at all.. doing tomorrow when we gather at Mac in the morning. Fingers hurting like mad, ahh. Oh right.. and I also know the starting to “说好的幸福呢?“ I learnt by myself :D And checked if it was correct. And apparently it was. Went home.. Jacq's bringing guitar tomorrow for me to play. So nice? Yeah surprisingly. Anyways, went home.. 188 took a long time.. etc.. tired la. Sleep lia0 buaixszx.

Friday, January 2, 2009
~ 1/02/2009 11:30:00 PM ~
First day of school, one word - Boring.

Met Nick in the morning, as usual. Well not so usual I guess, we went back to Gombak Station, he had a sore throat and bought lozenges. Wasn't the true motive though, true motive was to meet Dayna, she made us wait for 5 minutes Dx But nevermind, so we went and waited for Jacqueline afterwards. Reached school after awhile.. saw Ms Chong.. I initially forgotten her name.. cause I've never greeted her before, shows how much I care.

Apparently, she's our form teacher for the year - Joy.

We had 4 periods with her, all form teachers have 3 periods with their classes today. Yet the other 2 periods afterwards, was also her periods. Just awesome. At least she doesn't bullshit. She made us do class rules, which was quite pointless since she ended up doin' her own anyways.

Was falling asleep.. oh yeah, seating arrangement. We're getting it on Monday, wonder where am I gonna sit, and who with. Hope it's not Firdaus or Lucius. Or I'm gonna rage, lulz. Anyways, nothing much today.. 'cept our hair was really long. Well not mine actually, it's acceptable :D Well to an extent, of'c. IMO, it's normal and no need for further trimming. Anyways, new principal. Gave us a speech at assembly today.. uber b0ring. He has the tendency to repeat himself and say redundant things, such as stuff like "This year's N level will be brought up to a harder level, therefore it will be harder". See what I mean?

Went home afterwards, oh and we also got our TimeTables. 白老师 not teaching us liao, I wonder why? Probably couldn't stand us. Sad though, some weird Toh CT is teaching us, wonder if it's that Steven bitch. I hope not. And Mr Yang as well. Ahhh paranoid. If they teach us, I'm gonna die. @_@

Nyways, nothing much changed.. Nicholas was still the same. Except he sticks to Dayna a lot now, and at least he remembered my Christmas present >:D And Marcus, joker as ever. Refreshing and never bored, nonetheless. And Jeremy's.. still the same old "Fuck off la" rudeness D: But yeah. And Justin with his "Wah fringe long liao lor", and Kid, of'c.

Went for Burger King afterwards on our way home, intially only had me, Marcus and Jeremy. We went for lunch, then Nick came afterwards, Marcus kept.. spitting out the chewed burger >_> Gross. He ate like 4 mouths out of 10 bites. The other 6 was spit out. This means 2 things. 1) He's disgusting LOL. 2) He has a big mouth.

Then he kept annoying Jeremy as well, but yeah, I was tired and about to fall asleep. Until Nick came, he apparently, was waiting for Dayna for her CCA to end at 5 PM, he was actually gonna wait until 5 PM, crazy? Y/N? Lol. I'm guessing the former. Might as well go home first, "this is something you won't understand, Cow". Lol that's what he's gonna say to me prolly.

Nyways, haven't done homework.. gonna die.. Oh, and we asked Gabriel to join us afterwards, and they started talking about games. Went home afterwards.. 3 years past so fast.. Sec 1 that time I remember I used to go home with Gab everyday, but yeah. 3 years past really quick. We're secondary four now. Yet I feel so immature and not ready, hope the world ends in four years plz.

Oh and went home afterwarsd.. supposed to DotA with Gab and such. But I fell asleep subsequently after playing with Money. Was uber tired, school's damn boring la. Can't an asteroid fall on Earth now?

about me

; Hillgrove Secondary
; 4A1
; 16 this year
; Gemini
; 16June93
; Single, but not available
; Very bhb

leave a note


; Gabriel
; Jacqueline
; Dayna
; Nick
; MsChong


; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009


; j-wen
; deviantart
; brushes
; blogskins
; blogger