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Saturday, March 28, 2009
~ 3/28/2009 10:37:00 PM ~

If you don't know what that is. It's the day where during 8.30PM - 9.30PM
everyone turns off every electrical appliance in their apartments to stop global warming and
saving resources.
Slept in my mom's room 'cause my air-conditioner wasn't working
and I really, really, really did not wanna sleep in a hot and stuffy room.
Then took a shower and on the computer, as usual. Had lunch.

Did nothing much today, except for gaming, had dinner afterwards. Then soon came 8.30PM, turned off the lights
fan. Almost everything except the fridge and computer(cause I insisted
to stay online
or I would've rotten
to death).
Anyways, summarizing about this entire week since I didn't post, except for Friday.
Was a really tiring week. And it seemed super long.
Nick&Justin facing loads of problems, relationships mainly. External factors; like friends
and family are the problems. Not the couple themselves, for Nick's case at least.

Couldn't remember how many times I was sweating in class. Freaking warm weather,
the air was dense and hard to breathe in.
Had a small shoutoff with Momo&Dayna.
Practiced tapping with Nick&Justin.
For some reason I'm feeling very rebellious this year. And that's bad.
But anyway, like I said yesterday. I'm gonna improve my behavior in class.
Do homework&attend remedials(except for CHINESE). Haha. xD
And I was staying back almost every single day, and was late for school on Tuesday.
So the week seemed really long and tiring. Stressed out. Gonna unwind
during this weekend, praying it'll last a little longer. But today flew pass
like a running tap. .__.
Enjoy your weekends everyone :D Byeee

Friday, March 27, 2009
~ 3/27/2009 10:17:00 PM ~
*goes spastic*

Haha, yeah. You heard that right, it's report-card day, better known
as the "Parent-Teacher Meeting Session" to many others.
Results I got wasn't so ideal, and was self-explanatory.
'Cause I didn't even try for the term, to be honest. Didn't do much homework
Didn't study much either. Computer's on 24/7 once I'm home.

But that's not gonna happen for this term. Can't promise I won't sleep in class,
but I'll try to stay awake. For 3/4 of the entire day, at least. Haha.
Forgot what happened during cur-curricular time, so I'll just write about when school ended.
Went to WM with Nick, Marcus&Dayna's eviltwinnie(ZhiMing)!
Both born on the same day, hard to find someone that's born on the same day in this world.
Order'd IcedChocolate(yes again). Addicted to it! x3

And after that went home around 3. Spent some time at home on the computer.
Parents came home around 4.40. Washed up and then left house around 5.15(when the
meeting is actually at 5.20). Brought Money along. :3
Mom met MsChong&MsZhang. While dad waited in the car with doggy.
She did most of the talking, ironically. Leaving both teachers speechless.
As expected, my results deproved. Failed 3 subjects. Chinese, Math&POA.
But! I can pass Chinese if I want to. And a little more effort and I'll pass POA
for sure~ Only worry is Math.. which I'm gonna have to put in
loads of work and effort.
But it all makes sense, what MsZhang said: "I know you may not like or enjoy doing this
currently in school. And feel that what you're learning now
isn't applicable or useful in life.. But if you persevere and suffer for this remaining 2 years.
You can select an ideal career choice and do something you actually enjoy
for the rest of your life."

So.. that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Of course not to the extent where I'm always preoccupied
with a book la, haha. Like Lucius liddat. :X
Then supposed to meet MrsToh, but we couldn't find her
and my mom had an appointment.. sooo.
In any case, my mom left. And I went for the talk alone.
Saw the rest of my classmates there.
Nick, Jeremy, Marcus, YongJie, Kid, Dayna, Momo, Arie. Justin wasn't there for some reason.
But that's okay, I guess. The talk was pretty crap, talked about many things
we already knew. So we didn't really listen but was, rather. Talking and falling asleep.

Went to WM with Dayna's mom, Dayna, Nick&Momo afterwards.
Had dinner there, then bought Vivi's food :D
Momo went home first, then the rest of us trained home. And I guess that ends the day
for us. The tiring day, and also the week

Monday, March 23, 2009
~ 3/23/2009 11:47:00 PM ~

I could do this the whole day.
First day of school; sucked like #*@!. Suay like shit.
Early in the morning miss 2 trains; then caught
by blackshitface for hair. Sent to barber.
I dunno for whut. So #*!@ing short still catch.
Then those super long one never catch.
Might as well spend time catching smokers.
250% times easier and more effective.
Ahhh #*@! In the end didn't have to cut, but Jeremy, Justin&Marcus did.
Then photo taking immediately wtf KNN #*@!ing h3ll.
Pure BS.

Okay done ranting. D; Anyways, went to trim hair on my way home.
Totally no fringe now .___.
School was boring, as usual. And for some reason Jeremy's wearing specs.
With no lenses.

Anyways.. Dayna asked me to do this.. quiz O_o

A - Arie
B - Bryan
C - Celia
D - Dayna
E - Eunice
F - Faith
G - Gabriel
H - Huili
I -
J - Jeremy
K -
L - LiQing
M - Marcus
N - Nicholas
O -
P - Ping Swee
Q -
R - Rachel
S - ShiHui
T -
U -
V - Venice
W - WenXiang
X - XinYi
Y - YongJie
Z - ZhiMing

1) Can R&S be together in a BGR?
Like no?
2) How is L related to you?
Dunno, acquaintance.
3) If C betrays you, will you kill him/her?
Nothing for her to betray.
4) If K steals your GF, will you kill him/her?
Don't have K.
5) What if L told you he/she has a crush on you?
Omg D:
6) Will you and M get into a fight?
No D:
7) Who does K have a crush on?
8) If W calls you bitch, what will you do?
Call him a fat bitch? :D
9) What's the relationship between you and E?
10) Who does Z like?
11) Who is I's best friend?
Don't have
12) What color does Y like?
Uh, black?
13) Where does F live?
Somewhere really far from here.. in SG. But far D:
14) Did you and C have a fight before?
Hardly talk.
15) Who is H's best friend?
Uh.. ShiYun I think.
16) What can you say about T?
17) What if J told you he/she has a crush on you?
Dunno, do what a man should do?

Tag as many people as you can to do this quiz:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
~ 3/18/2009 11:56:00 PM ~
Happy Birthday Nicholas :D

Yeah, you heard right bitches
It's Nick's birthday today!
So we went out to Clementi's kBox to celebrate.
We includes, me, Gabriel, Dayna, Momo, YongRen(Nick's friend) and of course, Nick himself!

Sang like.. 15 of LJR's songs, which I think bored the rest of them 'cause they all
fell asleep xD
Sorry; couldn't resist.. must.. sing.. all.. 15.. songs.. And I actually missed one!
I sang..
  1. Mei You Ru Guo
  2. Fly Away
  3. Wei Wo Hao
  4. Chun Zhen
  5. Wo Hai Ji De
  6. Nuan Nuan
  7. Qin Qin
  8. Jie Shou
  9. Ting Bu Dao
  10. Yong Qi
  11. Si Lu
  12. Lu
  13. Fen Shou Kuai Le
  14. XX
  15. XX
I forgot the other two Dx And I missed out Ru Guo You Yi Tian and Ning Xia.
Another nice song Dayna chose was Ah Mei's Zhen Shi. :D
Then came Nick's cake, and they were playing with it instead of eating =_=
Cream was all over Nick&Dayna(yes it sounds wrong).
And Nick ate cream that fell off the ground x_x ew. Which he spat out, obviously.

Anyways, sang Nick the traditional Birthday Song, and then he made wishes. A lot of'em, apparently. Greedy b@st@rd D:< Lol.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
~ 3/17/2009 10:49:00 PM ~
Mm let's see what I did today.
  1. Brush teeth
  2. On computer
  3. Played with Money
  4. Surfed internet
  5. Watch anime
  6. Watched TV
  7. Chat with Celia&Jacqueline
  8. Watch more anime
  9. Watch more TV
  10. Watched my brother come back home
  11. Watched my mom open the door
  12. Watched him shriek as he walked in the bathroom
  13. Watched him run out from the bathroom
  14. There was a bird in the bathroom
  15. Watched the bird watching me
  16. Watched Money watched the bird watching me
  17. Watched my brother(who is 21 years old and in NS) ask my mom to help him scare off a bird
  18. Watched my mom come in and scare the bird
  19. Watched the bird fly around my brother's room afterwards and shitting everywhere
  20. Watched my brother run everywhere
  21. Watched Money chase the bird everywhere
  22. Watched everyone running everywhere
  23. Then the bird stopped and stayed put
  24. Everything was normal
  25. Until.. Money went to scare her again T_T
  26. Repeat step 19 to 22
  27. I continued watching anime while they ran around
  28. The bird finally flew out
  29. Watched my brother curse and swear as his pillow kena birdshit
  30. Laughed like mad
  31. Father came home from Indonesia
  32. Blogging now while talking to Jacqueline
Tomorrow's Nicholases' birthday. And we're going to kBox. But he's still
in Malacca now. But he's still going for it. Justin&Marcus
decided to back out. Leaving us with problems 'cause Dayna
reserved 7 people, and now there's only 5.
Bored stiff.
And this is a typical day of my life, minus the bird.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
~ 3/15/2009 11:59:00 PM ~
Oh yeah! And I got back my English paper.
Highest was 19 in class. Over 30.
Pathetic right.
And he's none other than. Jeremy!
And a few others, but he's still the best :D

Anywaez, I got like 16/30. Just pass.
You're a complete failure. Dumb cow. x)

~ 3/15/2009 11:56:00 PM ~
Yeah that was super random, but I love it.
The anime relates well, and I fucking love it.
Fucking fucking love it. Lulz :D

Okay so.. today, I did nothing much. 'Cept help my mom get ready for her school's sec3 camp!
I wanna go so badly x(
But cannot. Sigh. I went in BBSS and took a look anywaes.
Daddy went to Indonesia today.. Money at home alone
I think she's angry he didn't
say bye before he left =_=
Had to forcefeed her dinner.

Dunno what tu du now. I'm not gonna sleep.
I'll just sit here.
And think.
me! :D

Friday, March 13, 2009
~ 3/13/2009 11:59:00 PM ~
Taking a break from everything, or I'm gonna
mentally breakdown soon.
Nick's birthday's in 4 days. And we're going to kBox to celebrate.
No idea what to get him..

Skipped school today.. didn't feel like going,
no idea how to face it.
So I'm avoiding it.
But in any case..
Talked with Justin for a few hours on MSN..
Said I've to serve detention on the first day of school. Great for a start.
Feel like quitting school. F'd up shit.
Anyways, g'luck to Justin&Georgina. Hopefully they'll
salvage the problem.

Spent the day repeating the same 12 songs, browsing the net and forums..
DotA'd awhile ago. Sleep.
Nuthin'tudu. Bored stiff.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
~ 3/12/2009 10:12:00 PM ~
Went out with Nick, Dayna, Jacq&Justin just now.
Clarke Quay. Did nothing much.
Had Jap food and walked around playing, watched how
the people made 'Sticky' candy.
Supposed to pon school tmr but probably won't. Though I may now.

And I'm leaving SG soon! For awhile, but yeah. At least I don't have to see the fucked

Monday, March 9, 2009
~ 3/09/2009 08:17:00 PM ~
Got back Geography&SocialStudies today.
Failed SS, 11/25. First time failing SS.
Rather sad, but yeah. 16/25 for Geography. &I skipped one question!

MrMarcusTeo didn't have the papers today.. again. And MrHo was giving attitude again. Couldn't be bothered so slept through the lesson.
MrsToh didn't come, and won't be for the entire week.
Basically we did nothing worthwhile today in school.
Wanted to go home straight, but it was raining so slept in the canteen with Marcus they all.

And then went home with Justin, had lunch with him. Then went for his volleyball
administrative stuff.
And just DotA'd with him. Owned the computers(duh). And now he's off for volleyball
practice, yes.. at 8+. Fucking crazy. D:
Good luck anyways~

And today I decided on two things.
Focus on Math or die.
And forget about anything else.
Or at least.. try to forget.

And.. I'm feeling a little crazy today :D Gonna go lixiao Dayna when she logs on.

Sunday, March 8, 2009
~ 3/08/2009 11:06:00 PM ~
Woke up around 1 PM, dunno what happened but there's a cut over my nose for no reason.
And there's 3 pimples too, zomg.
Washed up and used computer, what else could I do.

Played with Money the entire day, watched TV. Played DotA.
Got rickroll'd by Gabriel.
Nick&Dayna went out.
Jacqueline with her own friends I think.
Bored stiff.

It's 11.11 PM now and iono what tu du.
But sleep is for weaklings D:<
Only weak people sleep, people like me don't need it! >:D

Okay gonna sleep nao, buaixszx.
.__. Hope I get something good for my English essay tomorrow or I'm gonna

Saturday, March 7, 2009
~ 3/07/2009 11:45:00 PM ~
Watched Marley and Me with my brother today.
The dog very cute! And when it died it was super sad. Almost everyone
in the cinema was crying, even the 'ah-bengs and ah-lians'.
Of course I also cried la. When the dog died he was like saying "Goodbye"
to the owner. Can't imagine if Money died x_x
I would rate it 9.5/10. It's really good, and the dog really knows how to act.
The humans also very funny, John and Jenny. They keep fucking and getting
pregnant -.-

Then change house, change job. Pregnant again. Change house and change job.
But he's quite rich, 'cause he was promoted from a reporter to a columnist. Means he has
a column in a magazine la. He wrote about his life
Which, to everyone else in the country. Was hysterical and hilarious
like hell.
He writes mainly about his wife and dog. And the dog is does many funny things -.-
It even got kicked out of 'Dog Obedience School'! Omfg Dx

Then later he ate the necklace the husband gave the wife and shit it out. The shit orange color 'cause he ate mangoes =_=
Then John was like .. gross.
The dog, although naughty. Knows how to behave when needed. Like that time the wife, Jenny
Pregnant and miscarriage or something, somehow she lost her baby la,
then she came home and cry. The dog hug her and sleep with her.
Then later got 3 kids.

Then they were playing in the snow, yay. But when going home.. Marley didn't have the
energy to climb up the stairs..
So ke lian. .__.

Then Marley likes to hump people too xD
but he didn't get a girlfriend throughout the show.

Okay backtrack! When Marley got kicked out of Dog Obedience School.
The owners thought of an evil plan.. dog camp..
Then when they were in the car, John was like guilty.. and the dog wanted
to get fresh air from the open window. Then Jenny was like "no no, let him back in".
The guy said let him, cause he was gonna be gone for a few weeks anyway.

But the dog jumped out LOL. Then John said "He's caught on to our evil doggy plan!". Rofl,
laughed like mad.
Overall it's a good show. Enjoyed it much. And you should watch it too D:

Friday, March 6, 2009
~ 3/06/2009 03:39:00 PM ~
Got back papers for CT! Only some la, Chinese, Maths and Combined Sciences. Okay lor, first two failed as expected. Combined Sciences almost fail. Chinese got like 10/50. Math 11/40. CMI. Gonna die for the year. Chemistry 17/25 and Physics 13.5/25. Totaling up to 61/100. B3! Which sucks like shit compared to everyone else. Jeremy A1! Justin A2! I think. Nick also quite high. Marcus too. Only me ): Bucking up for Science and Maths, unless in some point of life I've given up on education. D:

Nothing much to post, spent most of my time with Nick, Dayna &Jacq. All of them have so many problems. Frustrating, not saying I'm finding them annoying but.. I've my own problems too and I can't solve it Dx

I fail at my C1. I fail at life too :D Supposed to go jog with them today, but back hurting + I didn't wanna wake up at 5.30 'cause I didn't get much sleep for this week =_=. iPodding now D; gonna sleep nao. Yes, at 3.45 PM. :D

about me

; Hillgrove Secondary
; 4A1
; 16 this year
; Gemini
; 16June93
; Single, but not available
; Very bhb

leave a note


; Gabriel
; Jacqueline
; Dayna
; Nick
; MsChong


; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009


; j-wen
; deviantart
; brushes
; blogskins
; blogger