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Thursday, April 23, 2009
~ 4/23/2009 09:29:00 PM ~
Yaaaay. Math test today!
I could do some of it, some I left blank although I knew how to do,
cause it required my answer from the previous parts of the question.
And I didn't know how to do that part T_T
I think I could do better.. 10 more days to MYE. Better start mugging.
Sec4 life sucks. School days are so boring, can't even joke
or go crazy in class anymore. Although we still do, but not
as much.

Some unpleasant things happened in school again.. somewhat my fault to begin
with, but I solved my part of the problem. And done what I should've.
So I guess I'm acquitted now. But yeah, relationship with my friends are
shaky now, and awkward. And not the same as before anymore.
But that's understandable.

Anyways, was pretty confused about what happened.
All really sudden. Hearing stories from both side
had me doubting both of them. Because the facts clashed together and
I couldn't tell who was telling the truth, who was lying.
But I don't think anyone was lying, or was sowing discord on purpose, they all had their
own reasons of doing so. And it's all reasonable.

So.. two days ago. I walked home alone from Gombak to Choa Chu Kang.
Thought about what I did to Nick&Dayna and felt really, guilty. Somewhere
in me shouting out, stopped at CCK park to think about some things. And what I could
do to make it up to them.. although nothing could.

Anyways, I've been paying attention in class recently, probably because
I was afraid of failing my MYE badly ;_;
10 days to MYE, that's really fast. And CT1 just ended
not long ago.

Slacked with Justin&Arie at GombakMac just now, were killing flies xD
Some Malay bitches called us retarded kids, which we were behaving
like at that point of time. And a fly flew into Arie's straw and crawled in x_x.
Also managed to kill one without much effort, ;D natural talent @ killing flies

G'luck to everyone on their studies. And hope we'll do well for the upcoming exam.
Gonna go sleep now. Oyasumi~

Monday, April 20, 2009
~ 4/20/2009 10:04:00 PM ~
Schooled as any other normal day.
Most of the teachers of the initial half of the day weren't here, or was useless(coughMariocough).
So the day was pretty slackey. MsZhang's back from helping out
at her Grandmother's wake.
I'll just skip recess.

Chemistry lesson, ate a lollipop but MsChong wanted me to throw it away, or
break it into pieces where she can't see it, couldn't do it so I
snipped off part of the lollipop stick so it could fit in my mouth. Almost choked
to death when Marcus made me laugh XDD

Went home with Justin, he came over.
Met Money and then played dotA for awhile.
Brother wasn't quite happy about me bringing friends home.. but I couldn't be bothered sooo..
&nyways, went to lot1 with Justin, bought my bag and then went home after he
got on the bus. About all I guess, and sleep nao.

Saturday, April 18, 2009
~ 4/18/2009 09:44:00 PM ~
Watched 17Again with my brother.
Pretty good show, expected it
to somewhat resemble HSM, but it wasn't.
Would rate it 8/10. About as good as the previous movies I watched
Marley&Me and Confessions of a Shopaholic.
Talks about a guy who ruined his life over his girl
and her pregnancy, and kept blaming her for his failure.
He could've been a good basketball player(like Troy in HSM),
and the wife&kids were gonna abandon him and file for divorce
and custody of the kids.
Then he fell into a lake under a bridge and turned back into 17 year old again.
He thought it was God's plan for him to correct his failure and become someone
that he was supposed to, a good basketball player.
But ends up it wasn't, he goes to the same school
as his son and daughter and got to know more about them.
And her daughter actually fell in love with him.
Many stuff happened, you should watch it yourself D:

And when Zac went "Yaaaaay" all the girls in the theatre was screaming xD
But yeah, it's also another movie that teaches moral value, cherish what you have
and don't regret once you've done it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
~ 4/14/2009 10:05:00 PM ~
Neutral day today for me, bad and good things happened.
Had Chinese test, couldn't really do it 'cause
it was a little difficult. And also somewhat lazy to do.
What else.. Geography test after wards, was pretty easy.
Probably will pass it.

Next up was Math, MrsToh returned the papers to us, got a beautiful 0/35 in total.
Couldn't do it, seriously. Felt what you would call "inferior".
Couldn't take that feeling lying down so I did something about it.
Stayed back with MrsToh from 3 to 6 going through the entire paper until
I got everything in my head, even when I was bored
like shit and really, really wanted to go off. I persevered and did the entire paper.
Now I'm crystal clear about Trigonometry and Manipulation of formulaes.
Hopefully it's implanted in my brain now, never to leave.

Anyway.. I think Debra's death anniversary is coming up soon. Me and Nick are
going with JiaLing and Eunice. She's probably doing well..
Miss her like mad, everytime I talked about her I would tear.
But I guess that's only natural. Haha.

So.. okay. Didn't have English orals today 'cause our teacher-in-charge
wasn't here today, so we're having a postponed session. Marcus and the rest(except Nick) took already, though. 'Cause they had a different
teacher-in-charge. Hope they fared well.

Today felt different. Like there was a change in my thinking.
Read about Nick talking to WenXiang. I wasn't really pissed off or whatever.
In fact I'm envious how Nick actually listens to him.
It's like, compared to anyone - I'm the most useless among my friends.
They can turn to each other about problems, studies. Relationships. But because
I'm extremely stupid. I'm off no help. And because I've never had
a relationship. I can't help either. All I could do was listen.
And listen.
And listen.
I'm usually the one who turns to them for help, much like a burden.
Never could do much for anyone in anyway.
Ergo, I'm gonna upgrade myself. Or try to.
Don't think I'll be able to instantly, but give me some time. Hopefully
I'll change, a better me than my current self.

'll end here, night.

Monday, April 13, 2009
~ 4/13/2009 07:12:00 PM ~
Went to school today.
Yes la I got go can. ==
Curriculum time is getting more and more dull.
Nothing much happening in school nowadays.
Nothing good, at least.
Don't think I can re-test for the Chinese oral 'cause parent letters aren't allowed.
But whatever.. English oral tomorrow and that's what's important.

Addicted to lollipops, had my first one in my life on last Wednesday. Didn't
use to like it, but now it's growing on me. Some unpleasant things
happened in school again. Not surprised at all. Momo and Dayna aren't
talking anymore. And maybe it should just stay that way. A lot lesser
troubles when they're not talking. But a waste of their years of friendship though.

And during Chem lessons my face was flushed red. 'Cause of something
reeeeeeeally embarassing. x__x ;
Nothing much to post for today.. D: So.. that's all folks..?

Friday, April 10, 2009
~ 4/10/2009 11:59:00 PM ~
Went out with Nick, Dayna, Justin, Georgina, Gabriel and Marcus today.
Went to Suntec. Was super fun and high, before I went to
the Esplanade, that is.

Had Swensens' for dinner, was hell. Should've taken Gelare in the first place,
but noooo. Nick wanted Swensens' so we went for it.
Tasted like shit. Service was bad. I could cook better(LOL)!
They took like 30 minutes to make the god damned ice-cream which looks so.. ugly..
And they were so fast to receive money when we billed. FFS.
Anyways, the time during dinner was fun though.
They talked about many things, and kept shooting Gabriel.
The couples then went out to the Fortune Well to take pictures.

Went to the Esplanade afterwards, wasn't quiet like how we expected;
loads of tourists and other people.
Some dancers(who suck like shit) were dancing there. Ruining the ambience
Many couples were there, and we took group photos. xD
Gab got sabotaged by Nick, Marcus&Justin for every photo. And yeah, he looked
super unglam xDD But that's Gabriel anyway.

Went home with Nick&Dayna as usual. The shelter on the way home was FILLED with lizards, damn disgusting. D:
And they stare at you when you go close, so I stayed under
the area and waited for them to disperse before going.
Reached home and kun!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
~ 4/09/2009 10:10:00 PM ~
Thinking of you . Thinking of you .

Skipped school today. 'Cause the day was a waste of time.
But who knew. There was an oral examination.. and I din't attend.
Neither did Nick, but at least he has an official
document to certify him. And I don't, wonder if I'd get a retest or somethin'.

Anyways, regret skipping today.
Never gonna skip again!

Watched "Confessions of a Shopaholic" today.
Show's pretty good, rate it 5/5 for me.
It's realistic(to an extent), hilarious and entertaining. And it's really worth watching.
The main lead(female), Rebecca is a really extravagant person.
She spends without limits on clothing and stuff. So much that she
accumulated a huge amount of debt.
And she, ironically. Joins a finance company on saving money.
And is successful and gains her own column.

She also meets dashing Luke(main lead who's super shuai), her superior
in the company. The show shows the world in a.. different angle that I've
never seen before. It gives it a special feeling to the show.

Teaches us that humans, friendship, relationships. Family. Are more important
than objects, purchaseable products and materialistic wants&needs.
Because when the winter comes, what really keeps you cold
is your family and loved ones and not the 5% cashmere 95% cotton jacket you bought
at a 50% off sale who you got into a catfight with a fellow shopaholic.
Really, really good movie. Has all sorts of elements. Surprise, humor, love and sadness. Also moral values.
So those who wanna watch it better hurry up. O:
Anyways, about life.
Many. Many things happened over this month, despite it just starting.
Though it doesn't really involve me, it indirectly affects I guess.
'Cause Nick's in it.

Won't talk much about it 'cause it's rather private.
But in any case. I was really admiring Nick for his ability to remain
calm even though hell let loose. And he could properly think through
things despite Dayna being pissed off and doubting him. Glad their
relationship din't get ruined over this thing.

Anyways; this is to Dayna if she does read.
Please don't blame Momo for telling us the truth. 'Cause Nick had
the right to know. It's the same logic as for example; if you
had his child. He has the right to know. It's exactly the same.
So please don't blame her. And besides, she only told me and Justin
Which you can totally trust. So what's wrong with that?

Don't let such trivial matters intervene with your relationship with friends. Sending cynical messages
such as "Thanks a lot for your honesty" will just ruin your relationship
you've built up over the years. And you should think thrice before doing something.
And maybe foresee the consequences. 'Cause it really hurt Momo
when you said such things.

You might now be thinking: "Then what about me? And I'm
not hurt?" Well, you are hurt. But then again. It's your fault you did such a thing.
Not saying it's entirely your fault, maybe Momo should've
respected your decision to not let us know. But yeah, paper can't keep fire.
And Nick will eventually find out, cause he knows in his heart
something's wrong even before we revealed the truth to him.

Anyways. While reading Nick's recent post, I was really moved.
And to all people with rocky relationships. There're always up-and-downs in one I guess.
So yeah, Justin&Georgina. Must stay strong and compromise.
And as for me. I'll live my single-hood life tyvm. Lol.

Shall end here.


Saturday, April 4, 2009
~ 4/04/2009 10:00:00 PM ~
Flag Day(A.K.A Donate Plz)

So reluctant to go, but had no choice cause CIP
is compulsory.
But yeah. Was reluctant initially, and kind of resented
it. But guess what.

Went to LAN shop after getting our 'tin-cans'. Played DotA
for a few hours, had fun. Experience was different
from when we played at home.
Justin was really enthu about the entire thing.
'Cause it was his first time, and stuff like that(okay
that sounds wrong lol).
Anyways. Went home after that. Nothing much
happened for the rest of the day. Not that I can recall.
So yeah.

Friday, April 3, 2009
~ 4/03/2009 10:00:00 PM ~
Sports Day!
Lol, not really very enthusiastic about it.
Neither am I looking forward to it.
Pretty much an ordinary day, under the fucking
School picked SP's stadium as the venue,
they built the shelter in a really odd fashion.
It doesn't cover anything! LOL D:

So we(Justin, Marcus, Nick, Dayna&Momo) slept under this
make-shift tent thing with our earpieces on.
Then some teacher asked us to go back after awhile.
Extremely boring, we kept trying to find ways to escape out of the
stadium but everywhere had a dog patrolling(*cough*NPCC*cough*)
Overall.. nothing much la. Rosliyana was Sports Girl of the Year. Congrats to her.
Again. And some lower secondary was Sports Guy.
Forgot what I did on that day so I'll end here.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
~ 4/02/2009 10:45:00 PM ~
Nothing much to post actually.
But I felt my blog needed some
attention. x3

Nothing much lor, same ol' same ol'.
Recess food getting suckier everyday.
And tomorrow is Sport's Day. So I'm
meeting up with the rest of them in the morning

Anywaez, in love with Wonder Girls. Lol D8 Nobudy nobudy
but chu. Love their dance. :3
And they got their rings!
Nick&Dayna, Justin&Georgina, all very cute
sia the rings. Worth the price I'd say.
But of course their love doesn't worth that little.
Nyways, gonna go to Clarke Quay(yes again), after
Sport's Day.
Then if I'm not wrong, on Saturday we're having
Flag Day(CIP). Bah. Fuck it, school
consuming my entire week.

Feel like quitting school D8 Everything's so
difficult and tiring. But this is life.


about me

; Hillgrove Secondary
; 4A1
; 16 this year
; Gemini
; 16June93
; Single, but not available
; Very bhb

leave a note


; Gabriel
; Jacqueline
; Dayna
; Nick
; MsChong


; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009


; j-wen
; deviantart
; brushes
; blogskins
; blogger